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Jin: it all started with taehyung's grandparents.
Taehyung's mom Min aerum and her twin sister Min aera
Jungkook: min
Jin: yes they are min

🚫🚫🚫 Mention of self harm, sucide and child kidnaping and child abuse and molestation Infront of child so if you feel uncomfortable please Ignore the part 🚫🚫🚫.

Jin: Uncle kim was their family friend when both of them saw uncle they couldn't help but fall for him, Min junho who is father of yoongi arranged aerum and uncles marriage but he was unaware that his another sisters aera was love with uncle, Everything was fine koo uncle and aunty we're having their peacefull life but aera was jealous she was madly in love with
Uncle that she drugged uncle and slept with him after knowing this aunty was broken she was pregnant that time , but she made herself strong and gave birth to taehyung Uncle was in cloud nine hearing about taehyung, he litterly danced in hospital with happiness but when they reached home they saw aera standing holding baby in her hand she claimed that baby was uncle's and they have no other choice then accepting them . That was biggest mistake of uncle because after that she started to poison his mind ,she manuflated uncle and made him act abusive towards aerum aunty uncle become monster because of her he used to hit her so much times , and she was so evil koo she tortured taehyung he was just 1 year old she used to hit him whenever aunty was in kitchen , but she crossed the line when he literally whipped the 2 year's old boy just because he tried to drink milk
You know aunty was so hurt because that bitch didn't left her feed her son, she didn't left her carry him  she didn't left him feel the motherly warmth and uncle he was blinded by aeras lies, taehyung was 6 year old when he saw his own mother getting ra**d he was innocent bean koo but that bitch left her so called dealers to molest her own sister this made huge impact on taehyung's mind , after that serum aunty killed herself and this was first loss to taehyung you know 7 year old boy took knife and tried to cut himself he had become sucidical .
Then jihoon who was going to the school was with taehyung both of them got kidnapped and the kidnapper were same people who hurt his mother, that day they tried to molesr jhoom shd the same day taehyung's inner beast was released 9 year old boy killed the three mens , and he was prisoned but he was bought out by aera only to get mentally torture she uses to call him MONSTER and used to scare way his friend but once he started his uni he saw bunny he got his hopes back but he was also left him then jiyaa came with her he was trying to recover but after her marriage with bogum he stopped his treatment. This is his past koo my babybears life is ruined by her.
Jin was crying at this point , jungkook wanted nothing but to go and kill mrs.kim jiya was consoling them
Jungkook: how can she do this hyung, how can I human fell this low to hurt a 1 year old
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