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Jin: so which movie we are going to watch
Jimin: hmm comedy
Jin: no jimin not comedy
Jin: jungkook what you want to watch
Jungkook: anything is fine
Taehyung: how about horror
Jimin: it's awesome so it's final we are going to watch horror movie
Jungkook felt his body became stiff even thinking about horror movie
Jungkook's pov
Jimin hyung why you got be say that, koo please don't freak out while watching it it's matter of your prestige
Taehyung noticed jungkook and he was surely come to know that jungkook was afraid of watching horror movie

Taehyung's pov
I know bun you are scared but it's only way where I can get close to you so don't worry I will be with you no need of getting scared.

Time skip
Taehyung was sitting while sulking because Jhope was sitting between
him and jungkook and hugging jungkook where ever scary parts comes
Taehyung's pov
This is not what I wanted , jin hyung
Jin noticed his brother giving him puppy eyes he can't help but laugh at his situation
Jin wishpred in namjoon's ear
Jin: call Jhope and make me sit here
Namjoon: why
Jin: you know joon I seriously wants to rip your hair off just do what I say
Namjoon:why need of getting so violent I will do it
Namjoon: hobi
Jhope: WHAT( shouted as he was scared)
Namjoon: why all are getting hyper
Jhope: what
Namjoon: nothing you can come and sit with us
Jhope: why
Namjoon: you are clearly disturbing jungkook as he cannot watch movie while your hugging him like this
Jhope: oh I am sorry jungkook it's just I am scared of this
Jungkook: it's ok hyung
Jhope got up and sat beside namjoon and jin, taehyung sighed in relief
Taehyung: are you fine jungkook
Jungkook: yeah why not
Taehyung: then why are you murdering the pillow
Jungkook: what
Taehyung: see if hold it like this you will clearly tear it apart
Jungkook: hehe sorry
Jungkook smilled nervously
Taehyung: are you scared
Taehyung's pov
I need to join acting , I act like professional namjoon hyung was correct I will surely get Oscar if I join acting industry .
Jungkook's pov
Woow congratulations jungkook you have respectfully doomed yourself
Taehyung: no need of getting embraced jungkook it's fine see hobi hyung also scared of horror movie it's fine
Jungkook stared at taehyung with start eyes
Jungkook's pov
Stop making my heart go crazy taehyung you don't know your one one word is making feel things and if it continues like this at last I will run away  with you living this fucking engagement .
Taehyung: if you still scared you can hold my hand
Said while showing his hands
Jungkook without waiting placed his hand in taehyung's
Jungkook: I am trusting you taehyung
Taehyung: jungkook i am happy that I am worthy of your trust
Namjoon's pov
They look good together I think jin is correct they should end up together

Jimin's pov
Koo you are looking happy , if taehyung makes you happy I will surely wait for you to end up together

Jin's pov
My brother looks so happy I just wish they will never remember their highschool incidents.

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
Your author

Trailer of coming parts ( not next part)

Taehyung: hyung I will kill her
Jin: taebear please calm down
Taehyung: no no I can't tommarrow is their wedding hyung I can't
Jin: taehyung
Taehyung: hyung I can't
Jin:shh baby don't cry

Jungkook: hyun I love taehyung please stop this wedding
Jimin: I am helpless koo
Jungkook: hyung he will be hurt hyung , he is attached to me hyung please he will be crying I want to go near him hyung please
Jimin: I am sorry koo sorry for being useless brother I am sorry

Jungkook: taehyung I am getting scared please calm down
Taehyung: I am trying but I can't control my anger jungkook please go to your room


??: never leave taehyung jungkook don't make same mistake I have done , don't be selfless be selfish when it comes to him , don't ever listen to her she will do anything just to see taehyung hurt.
Jungkook: but
??: No buts he is living because of you , you are his will to live so never leave him. Listen to your heart not others.

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