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Jungkook got from his sleep and found himself sleeping on bed he smiled knowing that taehyung bought him here , he got from bed and went towards cupboard and opened it and took the picture of taehyung's mother which he got day before when he was arranging his cloths .
Jungkook: aunty you know I don't know why you killed yourself but you loved taehyung so much when he was explaining he was truly hurt and I also know that you are proud of him. today I am promising you aunty from today taehyung will be my responsibility , he will be my love , he will be the most important person in my life I will love him with my all will , I will give him love which he is craving I promise you that I will never let myself away from taehyung no one can separate us it's my promise aunty you are son will be no longer alone he will be happy .
He placed the pic inside and went to get freshnup

Taehyung who woke up first and he was sitting on couch while staring at entrance made his hyungs frown in confusion
Jin:why are you staring at entrance tae
Taehyung: some guest are coming hyung prepare breakfast for them
Jin: ??
Jungkook came downstairs while smiling
Jungkook: good morning hyungis
Jin: good morning koo
Taehyung: good morning bunny
Jungkook hugged taehyung making him surprised
Jungkook: are you ok now hyungi
Taehyung: yes bunny I am fine thanks for taking care of me
Jungkook: it's my pleasure hyungi jin hyung from today I am going to take care of my tae tae hyungi
Taehyung was stunned hearing my from jungkook jin just chuckled in return
Jin: ok koo you can
Jungkook: I will go drink some banana milk
Jungkook left towards the kitchen jin notice his brother and smaked his head making him whine
Taehyung: you heard it
Jin: I heared it taebear that bunny is going to be taking care of his tiger so nicely
Taehyung: hyung seriously say what did jungkook tell
Jin: you should ask him yourself
Taehyung: what you said Bunny
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
I am thinking of writing Mafia Queen 2 . It will different from first one it's not a continuation so should I write it or not
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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