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Taehyung reached namjins house and now he was getting mouthful scolding from jin hyung
Namjoon: jin
Jin:joon stop taking his side of this brat because of you he is doing this kind of senseless things
Namjoon: me I take side of him , are you hearing what are you even saying jin
Jin: I am
Taehyung: but hyung he tried to touch my bunny
Jin: taebear I am seriously saying you should talk to your doctor and follow his prescription
Taehyung: hyung I don't need that I am not mad I am not mental patients
Namjoon: jin stop that matter and talk about main thing
Jin: ok.  Listen don't get angry and place that glass down
Taehyung: fine say what
Jin: I got call from Bogum
Hearing this name taehyung's smile disappeared
Taehyung: and
Jin: he wants to meet you
Taehyung:I will not meet him
Jin: taehyung it's got our own good
Taehyung: I will not meet betrayers
Jin: taebear he wants to say the truth
Taehyung: I don't need sby truth
?: Once listen to him hyungi
Taehyung heared the voice and found jungkook standing
Taehyung: bunny
Jungkook: hyungi you should talk to him
Taehyung: leave that say what happened there
Jungkook: hyungi I will explain it afterwards now come we have to meet him
Taehyung: who
Jungkook: Bogum
Taehyung: no I will not
Jungkook: hyungi he want to confess something give him chance
Jin: taehyung I sent jungkook msg before you come here I am the one who called him here. Koo please take this brat and meet them
Jungkook: I will hyung come
He dragged taehyung with him
Taehyung: bunny listen to me if I see him I will really loose my mind
Jungkook: hyung it seriously needed please come with me
Taehyung sat silently while jungkook was driving.

Time skip
After 1 hour they reached a house
Taehyung: why are we here
Jungkook: hyung they are here
Taehyung: they
Jungkook: hyungi don't get angry but jiya is also here
Taehyung became shocked hearing this his eyes become teary jungkook noticed and felt lil jeolous
Taehyung: bunny please I don't want to face them I will loose my sanity and end up doing the things which I shouldn't please
Jungkook: hyungi you want to breath freely , you want to be happy with everyone right
Taehyung: hmm
Jungkook: then we have to find the truth for that we need their help so please understand
Taehyung: fine but don't leave my hand otherwise
Jungkook: ok ok I will not leave your hand and will not leave you do anything bad now come lets go 
They went towards the main door abd ranged the bell after second the door was opened by servent
Jungkook: we are here to meet Mr.park
Servent: please come inside sir is waiting for you
Taehyung: bunny I am saying it again come lets go back
Jungkook: no we are not going back
Taehyung sighed and entered inside
Taehyung's pov
God please give me strength to vitness them happy .I don't love her but there is still pain of betrayal which will surely make me feel insane
Bogum who was sitting on couch while doing some work on his laptop saw taekook and stoped his work in middle
Bogum: taehyung
Taehyung: mr.park I don't like when living my family someone calls me by my name
Bogum: oh I am sorry mr.kim nice to see you here
Jungkook: hyung where is jiya noona
Taehyung became shocked hearing jungkook calling Bogum hyung
Taehyung: hyung
Bogum: she is upstairs with yang
Jungkook: ok I will be upstairs you people talk
Taehyung: bunny how you know him
Jungkook: you will know everything in his explanation hyungi
Jungkook went upstairs living confused taehyung
Bogum: Jungkook is my cousin
Taehyung: WHAT
Bogum: yes he is my cousin from my mom's side
Taehyung: why he didn't told me that
Bogum: because it doesn't matter
Taehyung:why you wanted to meet me
Bogum: taehyung we didn't cheat on you
Taehyung: stop lieing
Bogum: it was your step mom
She blackmailed us with our family and you , she said if we didn't agree for this marriage she will kill our parents and you
Taehyung: and you belived her
Bogum: we didn't untill she killed my mom infront of me
Taehyung: aunty
Bogum: mom is dead she killed her
Taehyung: why she did that she hated me but why
Bogum: she hates you taehyung and she did this because she wants to see you in pain she knew that after your mom's death there were only few people who were close to you that's why she tried to manipulate jin hyung but it didn't work that's why she also planned the accident which happened 10 years ago then she saw you getting your happy because of  jiya so she blackmailed her and made her marry me I swear to god taehyung we both were forced to marry eachother we didn't had any choice other than agreeing for that
Taehyung: you should have explained me
Bogum: we tried taehyung that day you didn't let me inside and somehow she comes to know and she killed jiya's parents , we tried to meet you again but it was difficult.
Taehyung:so you both were forced to marry eachother
Bogum: mn but it doesn't mean that now I don't love her and if you planning to getting patch up its impossible because now I love her and jungkook loves you so of any idea came in your mind about that then erase it
Taehyung chuckled sadly
Taehyung: don't worry I don't need your wife I have my bunny
Bogum: so will you forgive us
Taehyung: I should be the one who asking you for forgiveness , because of me you lost your mom she lost her parents it has become just because you both were involved in my life this all my mistake
??: it's not taehyung don't blame yourself
Bogum: she is correct don't blame yourself it's all happened because of your step mom she ruined our life
Taehyung: I am sorry jiya because of me
Jiya: I said don't blame yourself
Taehyung: where is jungkook
Jiya: upstairs second room
Taehyung went upstairs
Bogum:will you say him about----
Jiya: no when the day will come he will eventually learn about truth and if he get to know about the truth now he will surely not take it good way

Taehyung came inside the room and found jungkook playing with baby
Taehyung: bunny
Jungkook placed baby on bed and come near Jungkook
Jungkook: what happened hyungi
Taehyung: bunny every bad thing happened because of me
Jungkook: hyungi what are you saying
Taehyung explained everything and jungkook was shocked hearing it .
Jungkook: Its ok hyung it was not your fault it was done by her don't blame yourself hyungi
Taehyung: mnn
Jungkook: Hyungi see baby is so cute no
Taehyung saw the baby who was staring at him with cute eyes
Taehyung: he is
Jungkook: hyungi you know they adopted yang
Taehyung: why
Jungkook: I don't know but mom said that they adopted the baby suddenly
Taehyung: he is cute but his eyes remind me of someone
Taehyung: nothing today's day was too much for me let's go back ok
Jungkook: hmm
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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