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They had their dinner
Jungkook: I will take this to hyungi and aunty they must be hungry
Jin: ok
Jungkook took the plate went upstairs when he entered the room he smiled seeing taehyung sleeping peacefully  while aerum was caressing his hair
Jungkook: he fell asleep
Aerum saw jungkook Standing there holding plate
Aerum: he did can you help me to make him lay properly
Jungkook kept the plate aside and helped her to make taehyung lay properly
Jungkook: what's your next plan aunty
Aerum: you are smart as me why don't you say the plan
Jungkook: so you don't want to them end up in jail
Aerum: mnn, yes I don't want them end up in jail I want them to end up dead
Jungkook: aunty you were this smart, inteligent then why didn't you do anything when they were hurting you
Aerum: nice question come here
Jungkook sat beside her
Aerum: I was blinded by love jungkook, I did whatever he said, I don't wanted to hurt him so I let him hurt me, I don't wanted taehyung to hate his father so I Never took any action but the day I saw him hitting my son the day I tired to kill myself that day I got my real vission back ,I got to know everything about them .
Jungkook: he was hurt
Aerum: I know but that hurt made him strong
Jungkook: also left scar in his heart
Aerum: jungkook my son loves you so much never leave him
Jungkook: I will never leave him
Aerum: you have grown up you were 2 year old when I last saw you your dad says that you have got my abilities and thinking
Jungkook: yeah I don't know how but my mind usually works like yours
Aerum: so let's wake him up he should eat
Jungkook: mn
Jungkook woke up taehyung
Taehyung: I sm not hungry I am sleepy
Jungkook: hyung you should eat and have your medicine see you are having headache
Taehyung: I don't
Jungkook: stop lieing you are rubbing your forehead so eat dinner and have medicine anuty you also have your food
Aerum: yes mom
Taehyung Chuckled hearing it
Taehyung: see bunny mom also called you mom
Jungkook: hehe so funny start to eat

Time skip
Aera was tied to chair with Soohyun who was almost in verge of dieng
Aera saw her husband who was laying unconscious aerum and jungkook entering.
Jungkook; aunty see who we have here
Aerum: a bitch and her slaves
The guard threw water on daehhyung he woke up and the guards held him
Aera: noona please leave me I your sister
Aerum: did you leave my son when I begged you
Jungkook: you killed your own brother, jiya's parents, Bogum hyungs parents and now you are begging for forgiveness
Soohyun: jungkook please kill me I can't take this pain
Jungkook: your wish will be granted Soohyun,
Jungkook took gun from guard and went near Soohyun
Jungkook: Soohyun do you know. Just like my hyungi I have bad habit which started from the day taehyung come to my life you wanna what it's
The bad habit is
You know when my hyungi cried because of me I whipped myself
Aerum: jungkook.
Jungkook: don't say it to hyungi he will be sad
Jungkook: so just think when I can hurt myself for him then how will I let you go
Said while twisting his hand
Soohyun: just kill me already arggg
Jungkook: ok then
Aerum: and you aera Don't worry I will not torture you
Jungkook: so mr.kim if you want live you have to one thing
Daehhyung: I will do it
Jungkook: so desperate to live han
Daehhyung nodded his head
Jungkook: then shoot them , shoot Soohyun and your wife
Guard gave him a gun
Without waiting for min daehyung shot Soohyun then he aimed his gun towards aerum and jungkook
Aerum: what you think of us daehyung
Jungkook: you really think that we will give you fully  loaded gun
John and Jack I want you to torture then until they beg to die after they beg shoot them and burn their body
John: ok sir
Aera: nonna you said you will not
Aerum: I said the truth I am not going to torture they are going to do it

Both of them came outside and found taehyung standing there
Taehyung: why you didn't left me go
Jungkook; it was not needed
Aerum: everything is over now
Taehyung: but
Jungkook: hyungi I don't want you have their blood on your hands so now get ready we have to prepare for our wedding..
Taehyung: fine
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
One part left then happy ending
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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