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Taehyung: what did you say bunny 
He was busy in his thoughts when he heard car horns taehyung came out of from his thoughts and smirked
Taehyung: here comes my guests
He sat on couch like king stared entrance
Taehyung: 3
Taehyung: welcome dad ,mr.jeon and mrs.jeon and lastly mrs.kim
The said 4 person who entered became shocked seeing taehyung sitting in couch like he was waiting for them

Mrs.jeon's pov
Bestfriend are seeing this ,your son is looking like predator waiting for his preys see how handsome he is I just wish my son and he end up together.

Jin who came out of his room hearing this was shocked seeing them
Jin's pov
So these are the guest who taehyung was waiting for

Mr.kim:son how did you know we thought we will surprise you all
Taehyung:I have my own ways
Jin: uncle
Mr.kim: jin how are you
Jin: I am fine uncle
Mrs.kim: mrs.joy take these luggages and place it in guest room
Mrs.joy: ok madam
Mrs.jeon went towards taehyung and hugged him
Mrs.jeon:how are you son
Taehyung: I am fine aunty
Mrs.kim: where is my future Son-in-law
Taehyung clenched his fisht in anger
Mr.jeon: where is jun
Before he could complete jungkook came out from kitchen while whining and pouting and without noticing his surrounding he went towards taehyung and stood Infront of him
Jungkook: hyungi there is no banan milk
Mr.kim who entered just now was shocked seeing the scene Jungkook who don't even talk to them is now standing these close to taehyung
Mrs.jeon was fangirling seeing the scene where as mr.jeon and mrs.kim where angry
Jungkook got startled by the voice his heart started to beat inhuman speed jimin who heared the shouting came running towards downstairs yoongi and Jhope followed him but he stopped in middle seeing his father standing there looking like volcano
Jimin saw jungkook who was facing taehyung he can clearly see his brother was scared as hell he went down and greeted his mom
Jimin: mom
Mrs.jeon: how are you jimin
Jimin: I am fine mom
Yoongi: hello aunty, uncle
Mrs.jeon: hello yoongi
Mr.jeon's anger raised when he noticed Jhope
Jimin was scared Yoongi noticed it he held jimin's hand in comforting manner
Mr.jeon: did you heard me jungkook
Jungkook distanced himself from taehyung which made taehyung angry but he kept quiet jungkook nervously raised his head his eyes were shining because of tears he was holding taehyung just wanted to hug him and comfort him
Mr.jeon: what kind of behaviour is this did you forget what I have said are you a 5 year old child what I said about drinking banana milk , and you know na that taehyung is your brother-in-law then why are you talking to him like he is your boyfriend
Jungkook eyes started to water
Mrs.jeon: Honey it's too much
Mr.jeon: did I said you to talk
Mrs.kim:Jeon just leave it we are here to share good news so share it
Mr.jeon: yes so the good news is
Jungkook was stunned hearing this living thier parents and taehyung all were stunned jungkook was sobbing at this point he without waiting ran from there
Mrs.jeon: koo
Taehyung was staring at mrs.kim with muderous arrow which made mrs.kim gulp in fear
Taehyung's pov
You people clearly want to die , I knew this b**ch will surely do this but it made my bunny cry , uncle you raised your voice at my bun you don't know how much I want to kill you but I have to control myself , I need to go to my bun he need comfortness.
Taehyung: I will just come
Mr.kim: where
Taehyung: I don't think so it necessary to me to be here because I have nothing to do with this wedding
Mr.kim: jihoon is your brother
Taehyung: he is not here if he was here I would have stayed here I called you dad that day just to keep your reputation it doesn't mean I consider you as my father
Mr.kim hung his head
Taehyung went from there

Mr.jeon's pov
See how arrogant he is and my wife wants me to marry my innocent sun to this arrogant boy.

Jungkook's room

He was crying
Jungkook: I will not marry him no no I love hyungi I will not marry him
Taehyung entered inside the room he went near jungkook, jungkook noticed taehyung's presence and hugged him tightly crying
Jungkook: I don't want marry
Taehyung: shhh don't cry
Jungkook: hyungi please I don't want to marry him
Taehyung: shhh no one will force you to marry him, bun see me
Jungkook raised his head stared at jungkook: hyung
Taehyung: yes say bun
Jungkook: didn't you heard what I said yesterday
Taehyung: I am sorry but I seriously don't remember it please bun say it again
Jungkook: hyung I don't know what will you think of me but
Taehyung was too stunned to speak.
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