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Jeon Mansion
Mr.jeon was sitting on couch while reading newspaper when he got call from mrs.kim
Mr.jeon: hello mrs.kim
Mrs.kim: mr.jeon can we meet
Mr.jeon: you sound nervous what happened
Mrs.kim: it's about taehyung and jungkook
Mr.jeon kept the newspaper aside
Mr.jeon:I am sorry what
Mrs.kim: mr.jeon I think if we talk personally it will be good
Mr.jeon: fine  come to my office I will reach there in hour
Mrs.kim: fine
Mrs.jeon came from kitchen holding coffee
Mrs: jeon: what happened honey
Mr.jeon: jungkook
Mrs.jeon: what happened my baby
Mr.jeon: your baby is getting out of control
Mrs.jeon: what
Mr.jeon: I said you don't send jungkook and jimin there did you listen to me now see  your son is getting out control
Mrs.jeon: stop accusing him me say what happened
Mr.jeon: didn't I told him to stay away from taehyung
Mrs.jeon: you did but what happened
Mr.jeon: what happened is your son ignored my my words
Mrs.jeon:  are you fortune teller how did you know that
Mr.jeon: mrs.kim called me I am sure jungkook had ignored my words I will go and meet her
Mrs.jeon: ok

Mrs.jeon's pov
I rather see my son with my bestfriends son then this jihoon , taehyung is perfect for my jungkook but this so called husband of mine is  not listening to me .

In Jeon enterprises
Mr.jeon was waiting for mrs.kim
Then he heared knock on door and said to come in
Mrs.kim: good morning mr.jeon
Mr.jeon: good morning
Mrs.kim: mr.jeon I will come straight to point
Mr.jeon: ok
Mrs.kim: jungkook and taehyung are being too much close ,I have asked my one of maid to keep eye on them and she informed me this. We should seriously consider this we both know how taehyung is , if he star get close to jungkook it will bad and if he get his memory back  he will never let this wedding happen and you know he is just like his mother a possesive person don't forget what happened years ago jungkook was in situation death because of him , they both surely don't remember that but we remember and we all know jungkook and taehyung being together will cause so much hurt to jungkook ,  Taehyung is bad influence on your son so I think we should fix jihoon and jungkook's marriage early first we arranged it after 3 months but now he have hurry up
Mr.jeon was lost in his thoughts
Mr.jeon: you are right we have arrange their marriage early I have to talk to my wife about this
Mrs.kim: now I will leave
Mr.jeon: hmm

Mrs.kim's pov
Now let see taehyung how will you find your happiness , I will never let you be happy , I will steal every single thing which is important to you. Just like how I made your mother kill herself, just like I made mr.jeon take jungkook away from you , just like I blackmailed jiya and her parents and made her marry your friend , I will surely again tore you apart from jungkook .
But what mrs.kim didn't know that this time her every plan is going to flop because now the taehyung who was standing against her was not neavy and innocent person who can get manuflated easily it was taehyung who will kill anybody just to have jungkook to himself

In Daegue
Taehyung was talking to someone in call then he ended
Taehyung's pov
Really mrs.kim making so many efforts to make jungkook away from me hmm fine don't worry I will let you do that , I will let your plan work I will let you arrange this wedding and I am 100% sure that you will be shocked seeing the result of your plan. You don't know me mrs.kim , I have changed so much once time comes you will regret that you are born in this world. There is hidden beast inside me if he wokes up you will be gone from this world.

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
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