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Time Skip after 6 hours

Jungkook was sitting on a corner while staring at the window
Jungkook: I know you will come for me hyungi, I know that
Then he heared the room door opening and found Soohyun who was looking scared , Soohyun come towards jungkook untied his hands his hands were trembling in fear, jungkook was just staring at him in confusion
Soohyun: HE IS HERE
Jungkook smiled hearing it but his smile turned into frown when he saw Soohyun falling on his knees
jungkook: what
Jungkook: why should I
Soohyun: jungkook please my half of guards are dead
Jungkook: Where is he
Soohyun took jungkook towards the main room , jungkook felt goosebumps on his body when he saw guards laying dead in the way
Jungkook's pov
Did he kill this many people, what ths fuck I am feeling it's not sadness, nor anger neither i am scared .

They reached the main room and jungkook may be or not be got turned on by seeing taehyung sitting on chair leaning his head back wards while closing his eyes like a  king holding s gun in his hand and his leg on the body of the guard

Jungkook's pov
Shit how can I be turned on by seeing him coverd with blood, did I really turned into physcho or what.

Soohyun: taehyung jungkook is here
Hearing it taehyung opened his eyes stared at jungkook with soft eyes but on next second it turned into anger , he kicked the body away and came towards jungkook Soohyun and other guard backed away but jungkook didn't even flinched, taehyung raised his hand and carsssed jungkook's cheek
Soohyun eyes got widden in second he knew that what Taehyung was thinking then he remembered the slap and started move backward
Taehyung: did it hurt bunny
Jungkook frowned in confusion then he understood and nodded his head in yes
Jungkook: my lips even bleeded
Taehyung: can you do me a favor bunny
Jungkook: what
Taehyung: can you simply sit there and watch me teach some lessons
Jungkook: ok but before that how dare you to look this hot I am turned on and after finishing your lesson we are going to have s*x, second one kiss me I challenge him that you will come here you will kiss me
Taehyung kissed jungkook and jungkook smiled and sat on the chair previously taehyung was seated.
Taehyung: so Soohyun I wanted a longer class but my bunny needs me so I will take you to your partner and both will get better punishment afterwards. Guard take him and go me and my bunny will be back tommarrow morning and say the maids to clean all the mess..

In Seoul
Yuna: what happened
Aerum: in this crusial time that both brat son's are having an Fucking sex
Mr.jeon: didn't I say you aerum you are son is different hybrid
Aerum: for your kind information your own son got turned on seeing my son killing people
Mr.jeon: oh my god see your son had spoiled my bunny son
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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