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Jungkook: how can she do that hyung , taehyung I
Jin: koo it's not time for sitting amd talk
Jungkook: what should I do hyung what should I do
Jiya: jungkook being doctor I seriously suggest him to go to physchastric
Jungkook: he is
Jiya: I know jungkook I know I didn't mean like that what I was trying say is
Jungkook: I know but he will not
Jin: he will listen to you koo just try
Jungkook: mnn
Jin: koo you have no idea how much he loves you , he will do anything for you
Jungkook: you are correct hyung and that's scares me
Jin: what
Jungkook: sometimes his love scares me .
Jiya: I know bunny what you are feeling
Jungkook: don't call me bunny he can only call me like that
Jiya Chuckled
Jiya: jungkook do you know you are also crossing your line
Jungkook titled his head in confusion
Jiya: you are love towards him is crossing the line it's good but never love someone to the core were you forgot to love yourself
Jungkook stared at her for minute and he suddenly hugged her making her smile jin frown in confusion
Jin: what happening to you both
Jungkook: now I know what to do
Jin: what will you do
Jiya: he will do it hyung we shouldn't come between
Jin: guys you both are acting weired what's going inside your brain
Jiya: hyung sometimes it's not necessary that you should know everything
Jin: god what happened to you jiya you are talking like saint
Jiya: hyung I met someone who thought me these things
Jin: really then can you please take your brother to that person make him give some advice to him, I am tried of seeing him breaking things
Jiya: it's your problem you should deal with it
Jungkook: that person surely loves all of us doesn't it jiya
Jiya stared at him with shock
Jiya: surely does
Jin: guys you both do your puzzle talks I will prepare taehyung's favourite dush
Jin left the room
Jiya: I never knew you were this intelligent Jungkook
Jungkook: mnn
Jungkook: Appointment
Jiya: it will be done
Jiya was living the room when jungkook stoped her
Jungkook: You still love taehyung don't you
Jiya: no
Jungkook: don't lie to me
Jiya sighed
Jiya: I do but it doesn't matter
Jungkook: you should try to love Bogum hyung
Jiya: I do love him but taehyung he is special , I love him but I don't want to be with him, I love him but I am happy to see him loving you I don't feel jealousy , My love towards taehyung is special , He is my first love and he will be but that doesn't mean that I don't love your Bogum
Jungkook: So you love Bogum hyung
Jiya: mnn
Jungkook: then whatever you said say the same thing to him may be he will stop getting insecure.
Jiya: he heard whatever I said
Jiya: I know you called him and he listened whatever I said
Jungkook: when the truth will be revealed
Jiya: her death anniversary
Jungkook: I will be waiting
Jiya left the room jungkook fell on couch and closed his eyes
Jungkook: too much for today
He took phone and called his dad
Mr.jeon: what happened koo
Jungkook: dad I need you to book two tickets for Bali ( it's amazing place)
Mr.jeon: why
Jungkook: my honeymoon
Mr.jeon: jungkook
Jungkook: hehe joking dad just book
Mr.jeon: fine
Jungkook: I need fucking peace for some  days . 

In random mansion
??; Jenni book 2 tickets for Bali
Jenni: ok mam
??: I need fucking peace for some days
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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