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Taehyung: bunny
Jungkook: hmm
Taehyung:I want to marry you
Jungkook shocked hearing it
Jungkook: hyung really this how you propose me to marry you
Taehyung: bunny I want marry you legaly we will have register marriage after that we will have  grand wedding
Jungkook: can I ask you why
Taehyung: bunny I don't want to take any risk , I feel like something is going to happen and I don't want any risk so will you marry me
Jungkook: yes hyungi I will marry you
Taehyung hugged jungkook
Taehyung: I know bunny my decision is so fast but I don't want you to go away from me
Jungkook: hyungi don't worry your bunny will never leave you only my death can take me away from you
Taehyung placed finger on jungkook's lips
Taehyung: never talk about your death bunny
Jungkook become sad seeing taehyung's scared behaviour
Jungkook: sorry
Taehyung: it's fine but never talk like that
Jungkook's pov
Hyungi after 10 years we met again I will not take any risk of staying away or leaving you.
Yes I remember everything , I know that we met before I got my memories the day we went to Daegue but I acted because I wanted to build new memories, I remember how we were happy hyungi that day but the accident ruined everything I promise myself hyungi I will not let that bitch hurt you to keep you happy if I have to go against my dad I will not hesitate.

Time skip (I saw this story is going so long so I added time skip if 2 months in these months taekook got register married living jin and namjoon no one knows it , taehyung solved his issue's with Bogum and jiya now they are again Freinds and jimin is now twp months pregnant and everyone were happy hearing it taehyung, jin and namjoon litterly bought so many toys and jungkook was excited as he was going to be an uncle.
In these two months mrs.jeon gave so much motherly love to taehyung which made him feel so blessed he even cried to the core like baby, and his)

Authors pov
Taehyung's possesiveness toward jungkook was raised as hell sometimes it's hurted jungkook but he knew that taehyung was not in his sense but what happened today made him terrified to the core that he was now hiding in closet.
Taehyung: Bunny be a good boy and come out you don't want your hubby getting mad don't you come down
he heared taehyung coming inside the room and covered his mouth in order to not make sound but he forgot to switch of the mobile which rang in wrong time in next min he was pulled out from closet and throwed on bed
Taehyung: looks like bunny get caught
Jungkook: hyungi please I am scared don't
Taehyung: no bunny you should be punished you hugged him infront of me
Jungkook: Hyung he was my friend
Taehyung: that's doesn't give him rights to hug you
He moved towards bed and jungkook cravled backward
Jungkook felt scared seeing this
Taehyung was out of his sense, his anger was making him do things which he will never wanted to do
He hovered over jungkook and was going to kiss him when he received tight slap from jungkook
Jungkook: please come to your sense hyungi please
Taehyung got angry and was going to slap jungkook when his eyes fell on trembling boy beneath him and he came into his sense he hurriely got up from jungkook and helped him to get up jungkook noticed taehyung's behaviour and hugged him
Jungkook: shhh hyungi you did nothing please don't blame yourself
Taehyung: I am sorry
Jungkook: it's ok hyungi it's ok you didn't anything see you stopped no
Taehyung: but what if i didn't stopped what if I didn't get my sence back I would have hurted you bunny
Jungkook: hyungi Don't think negative I will Just come from washroom
Jungkook went inside the washroom and broke into cries taehyung heard it felt discusted by himself so he took knife which was present in fruit basket took it and made cut on his hand .
Jungkook who got out from Washroom was stunned seeing taehyung's hand bleeding he ran towards him and threw the knife away and held his hand and cried
Jungkook: hyungi what is it
Taehyung: I tried to hit you I am monster even tired to force you I have to get punished.
Jungkook started to cry even harder hearing taehyung , he knew how his tiger was guilty he felt so bad when taehyung called himself monster.
Taehyung: bunny stop crying
Jungkook: hyungi why you
Taehyung: my love towards is infinity bunny I only know how to love you and I will cross evry fucking line to have you. But yesterday when I saw you crying because of me I couldn't control I never wanted to hurt you but my unconditional love which your father calls as obsession is hurting you so it's good that you should live me
Jungkook: shut up don't you dare to say that  you don't have any rights to decide what's good for me I know that you are good for me and the thing is good for me is you're love will never hurt me because I love the way your obsessed over me, I love the way you claim me ,I love the way you introduce me as yours, I love the way you get all possesive and can kill anybody who eyes me the way shouldn't,
I love the way you love me hyungi
If something happens to you I will kill myself because I am not ready live in the world were I can't see you or hear you
Just like you my love is also unconditional hyung
It will do anything to be with you
They say your obsessed with me but they don't know how obessed I am they don't know that this bunny will kill anyone who hurt his tiger , this bunny will surely die  for his tiger and can kill for his tiger.
Hyung you holds evry rights on me just like I have evry rights on you
We both love eachother madly, we both or fucking obessed with eachother and no can change it
I Jeon Jungkook belongs to Kim Taehyung just the way Kim Taehyung belongs to Jeon Jungkook , no one can change it if they want to change it they will be dead I don't care if it's my own dad or your bitch step mother I don't care because my love for you as crossed every single line hyungi
So don't you dare to say that you will be living me for my good .
You are tied to me for rest of your life.
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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