You're my Downfall, You're my Muse

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On Friday morning, I rode my bike to Carter's house at 5:30 am. I needed to talk to him before I left. I couldn't tell Maya, she would never let me go. So I had to just let Carter know so that he didn't worry about me. Because he'd be the only one to worry.

Arriving at his house, I chucked rocks up at his window, hearing the tap as they hit the screen.

After a handful of rocks, his face appeared in the window, opening in it and sticking his head out. "Tessalyn, what are you sound here this early?" He whisper yelled at me.

"I need to talk to you." I hissed back at him.

He motioned for me to come up, so I climbed the ivy and crawled through his window. I sat in his bed and he looked at me expectantly, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I'm leaving." I said abruptly, getting straight to the point.

Carter coughed. "What?" He choked out.

"I got called into Wolf Watch for an interview with the characters of Teen Wolf. I'm going to LA today and I just thought you should know so you didn't worry."

Carter gaped at me. "How can you afford to go to LA?" He asked.

I pulled a manilla envelope out of my backpack and opened it to show him the wads of cash stacked inside it. "I've been saving up to buy a car for seven years. But this is more important to me."

He shook his head. "But when are you coming back?"

I swallowed. "That's what I needed to tell you. I did some research last night and they're looking for a person to play a new girl, Christina, and I'm gonna audition for the part while I'm up there for the interview. If I don't get the role, I'll be home in two weeks maximum with call backs and stuff. If I get the part, I won't be home until, well, probably until the end of summer vacation. And I might also miss the first few months of school depending on how long it takes to film the full season."

Carter shook his head repeatedly. "But what happens when Maya realizes you're gone? Won't your parents worry about you?"

I sighed. "No, they don't care where I am over vacation. I write them a note telling them I'm in New York for an acting camp. They won't worry at all. And they don't watch Teen Wolf. They'll never know."

Carter clenched his teeth. "I don't know, Tessalyn..."

I frowned. "Please, Carter? This is what I want to do with my life. Please?"

He frowned at me. "Fine." He shoves me toward the window. "You better get going. Don't wanna miss your flight."

I beamed at him. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

He hugged me tightly. "Be careful. Be safe. I'll miss ya."

I nod. "Miss you too." I climbed out the window and jumped down the ivy. "Bye, Carter!" I called up to him, cupping my hands around my mouth.

"Goodbye." He yelled down as I got on my bike and pedaled away, smiling widely.


"Flight 273 to LA is on time." I heard over the intercom. I sat in the airport, listening to Fall Out Boy, waiting for my plane to arrive. I clutched my boarding pass in my hands, not wanting to loose it. I couldn't seem to get the message from the mysterious person out of my mind. Maybe it was just someone from school. Maybe it-

"Is anyone siting here?" A voice asked.

I turned to see a boy with big blue eyes looking at me, pointing at the seat next to me. "Um, no." I respond. He plopped down next to me, putting his backpack on the floor.

He turned to me and holds out a hand. "I'm Muse." He said, shaking my hand.

"Tessalyn." I responded quietly. That's an odd name, I thought to myself.

"What's your seat number?"


He beamed at me. "H23."

A small smile crept onto my lips. "What brings you to LA?" I asked, turning my boy to face him.

"I got called to set." Muse pulled a paper packet out of his pocket. The top said Teen Wolf Season 4 in curvy letters.

I gasped a little. "Who do you play on Teen Wolf?" I asked.

"Liam Dunbar." He replied, flashing an award wining smile.

"Dylan Sprayberry!" I exclaimed.

Muse laughed. "That's me."

I frowned at him. "Then why did you say your name was Muse?"

His green eyes shined in the sunlight. "There are two Dylan's on Teen Wolf, so I go by my middle name, Muse, so it doesn't get confusing."

I nodded. "Oh, Dylan O'Brien." I said, connecting the pieces together. I smiled sheepishly at him. "Can I-"

He grinned. "You want a picture?"

I nodded, smiling. We took a selfie and I immediately posted it on Instagram, not that anyone would comment or like it. I had two friends on Instagram. Carter and Maya, because she pretended to like me when we were at school.

"Flight 273 to LA, please begin boarding the plane at D7."

Muse and I stood up and grabbed our things, lugging them behind us as we boarded the plane.

I got settled in my window seat, sitting next to Muse, who put my bag in the overhead compartment.

"Thank you." I said.

He nodded and smiled, sitting down. As the plane took off, we both slipped in our headphones. After those long security lines and walking around the airport, I felt exhausted. So I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes.

Part of the Pack (Daniel Sharman)Where stories live. Discover now