Break-In? Why Not.

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"CUT!" I heard. I immediately opened my eyes to see Daniel wiping away the fake tears and pulling me to my feet.

"Great job!" He exclaimed, giving me an awkward hug.

Hoechlin and Dylan threw the glass door open and flew out of it, running to me and throwing their arms around Daniel and me.

"That was awesome!" Hoechlin said, his arms spread across all three of us. "You were the best!"

"By far!" Daniel added happily.

"Yea, you totally nailed that role!" Dylan exclaimed.

I hugged them all, feeling happier than I had in days.


"Hello?" I said anxiously, holding the phone tightly to my ear. It was Tuesday morning and I had been up all night after getting home from the audition. I was utterly exhausted and my heart was on edge.

"Im calling from the Teen Wolf crew for Tessalyn Thalia Tucker. May I talk to her please?"

"This is she," I responded, my heart pounding.

Behind me, Dylan and Hoechlin were standing, biting their lips and tapping their legs anxiously. Their faces were stiff, their muscles tense.

"I was just calling to congratulate you," she said cheerfully, "you got the part!" My breathing stopped. "We're very happy to inform you that we'd like to see you on Thursday at 4:30 for further details. You have been selected out of twenty five girls to play the part of Christina on Teen Wolf. Congratulations! Can't wait to see you in two days!"

I was stunned and utterly speechless. "Th-thank y-you." I stuttered, the hand holding the phone shaking. I dropped my iPhone onto the floor, sending it rolling.

Hoechlin looked worried and Dylan looked scared. "I'm-I'm so sorry, Tessa." Hoechlin said, moving to hug me. But I pushed him away, my mouth twitching into a smile.

"I-I c-can't believe-the part," I fumbled for words.

Hoechlin looked extremely concerned. He put his hands on my arms and rubbed his thumbs on my biceps. "Tessa, talk to me. What happened?"

Dylan was silent, not moving a muscle.

And then I erupted, my mind breaking itself from its stupor. "I GOT THE PART. I go back on Thursday at 4:30 for more details! I can't believe it, I really really can't believe it."

Hoechlin's eyes widen and he laughed lightly with relief. "Awesome!" He yelled, wrapping his arms around me and swinging me around effortlessly.

He spun me to Dylan who caught me and did the same, swaying me back and forth in a bear hug. "Congratulations!" He exclaimed, making me smile uncontrollably.

"Let's celebrate!" Hoechlin suggested, flinging an arm around my shoulders.

"I love chicken!" Dylan shouted randomly, grabbing Hoechlin's shoulders. "Take me for chicken," he ordered. "Roast chicken. Chicken cutlet. Breaded chicken. Grilled chicken. Garlic chicken. Chicken with-"

"We get it Dylan!" I said, laughing.

Hoechlin wiggled his eyebrows. "No! Let's take her to Luminos," he said, looking at Dylan with pleasure.

"Oh, yea! She'll love Luminos," he responded.

"I don't know what it is, but is it safe?" I asked nervously.

Dylan and Hoechlin exchanged glances with raised eyebrows. Dylan turned to me, smiling malevolently. "Oh, absolutely."

"That doesn't sound so reassuring. Should I be scared?"

Dylan and Hoechlin looked at each other. "Sure," they answered in unison.

I shook my head. "Oh, boy. This is not gonna end well."

Dylan smiled mischievously. "Probably not. But what fun would it be if it was totally legal?"

My smile faded completely. "Dylan...." I warned.

Dylan just cupped his hands around his mouth and called, "DANIEL! We're going to Luminos, wanna tag along?"

Daniel peeked his head into the room. "Ritual time?" He asked, his face full of excitement.

Hoechlin nodded slowly and evilly. "Ritual time."

"Guys," I said, "I don't know about this."

Daniel shook his head, emerging from the doorway. "Oh, you don't have a choice," he informed me, "it's a tradition."


"Hoechlin, I don't-"

"Just be quiet!" Hoechlin hissed, his grip on my hand tightening.

"What if we get caught?" I whispered in his ear.

"Then we're screwed," he answered, his breath tickling my ear.

I was squished on Hoechlin's lap, my back pressed to his chest, his heart pumping hastily. Dylan and Daniel were sitting on our right and Muse was cramped on our left.

"What if-" I start, and then Dylan's hand clamped over my mouth, shutting me up.

"You have to be really quiet when I say, okay?" He says, his voice barely audible.

I nod stiffly, scared out of my mind. We sit for seconds, minutes, hours, I don't know. Finally, Hoechlin's body stiffens and he says, "Now. Be quiet. Everybody."

We all silence, our bodies cramped together in the tiny tunnel. All of a sudden, all three boys spring up at once, making me jump. Dylan grabbed my hand and hauled me behind him, sprinting crouched down. His hair brushed the ceiling as we ran, in a single file line, through the narrow passageway.

We kept going, and so did the tunnel. It went straight for what seemed like miles. And then-

The sounds hit me first. Screaming and the clicking of heels. Hoots, hollers, and blasting music. And then my eyes adjusted and focused on the sight in front of me.

Lights shone all over the huge room, spinning and twirling around the open area. They shifted back and forth, scanning the entire room from wall to wall. People danced in the middle of the room, hundreds of them. Everyone was laughing and smiling and seemed to be having the time of their lives.
I caught sight of Tyler dancing with Crystal on the dance floor.

And I smiled. I knew where we were. We were at a 21 club.

Part of the Pack (Daniel Sharman)Where stories live. Discover now