Scared to Death

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"Guys, I have an audition in an hour, we really have to go," I complained, directing the statement at Hoechlin, who was sitting on my bed, eating a slice of pizza. It was the next morning and Dylan and Hoechlin were hanging out in my hotel room, Dylan playing video games and Hoechlin eating me out of house and home.

I put my hands on my hips and stared at him angrily.

"What?" He said, his mouth full of food. I raised my eyebrows and he rolled his eyes. "Fine," he whined getting off the bed and grabbing Dylan's shirt, "let's go, Dylan. Tessa has to get to her audition."

Dylan threw the controller onto my bed, grabbed himself a slice of pizza, and followed us out the door. Grabbing my script and locking the door, I ran to the elevator and checked out at the front desk.

We all piled into Hoechlin's Porsche, which resembled Muse's very similarly. "Is...Is this Derek's car in Teen Wolf?" I asked, stunned.

Hoechlin did his best at cracking a small smile. "Yea, it's actually my car. But the whole cast uses it whenever they want."

I grin. Of course they do. Because the cast is like one big family. That I'd do anything to be a part of. "Where's Daniel?" I asked, concern filling my chest.

"Don't worry," Dylan said, reading my mind, "he's already on set. He's practicing because you're doing a scene with Isaac, right?" Dylan turned around in the front seat to look at me questionably.

I sat still as a statue, registering that thought. I had run over my scene a million times, yet I had never really thought about the fact that it was a fighting scene that rolled into a kissing scene. With Isaac and Allison, which wasn't in the show but was a common scene to audition on.

And then it hit me. "Wait, Dyl," I said cautiously, "what part is Daniel playing in the audition? Ethan, Aidan, or Isaac?" My heart was hammering, the anticipation of his answer killing me.

Dylan grinned at me, obviously thinking the same thing I was. "Isaac, of course. The one you have to kiss."


I sat in a really comfortable chair, with about twenty five other girls around me, bouncing my knee nervously. The anxiety of this audition was gonna kill me.

Hoechlin suddenly appeared in the seat next to me and all the girls let out squeals and gasps.

"You ready?" He asked, looking me in the eye.

I nodded slightly, moving to rest my head on his muscular shoulder. "But what are the chances that I'm gonna get this role? There are so many girls here, just waiting to act."

Hoechlin moved over so that I was looking him right in the face. "Hey," he said kindly, "don't talk like that. You're gonna do great and Dylan, Daniel and I are here to cheer you on."

"Hey, Hoechlin! Get your butt over here!" Jeff Davis, the writer, shouted from across the room.

He ignored Jeff. "Trust me," he said, "you're gonna do amazing and I believe in you."

All of the girls in the room were silent, listening to our conversation. They all looked stunned that I knew Tyler Hoechlin, and they seemed really stunned that I knew Dylan and Daniel too. I was having fun watching them watch us.

"Thanks, Hoech."

He reached over to kiss my cheek. Before pulling away, he whispered to me, his lips tickling my cheek. "I'll be right through the glass with Dylan. If you get scared or nervous, just look at me and I'll make it all better."

I smiled, grateful for him. "You're the best." I responded.

He nodded. "I know." And with that, he was gone, sprinting down the hallway to the Teen Wolf common room. At the end of the hallway, he turned, winked at me, then disappeared into the room.

All at once, the girls bombarded me, shooting questions at me.

"Do you know him?"

"How does he know you?"

"Did he just kiss your cheek?"

"Omg, Tyler Hoechlin just kissed your cheek."

"What's your name?"

"Where are you from?"

"How have you met the cast already?"

"He's so beautiful!"

I was about to tell them all to buzz off when Dylan appeared next to me, parting the crowd with his presence. "Please girls, no autographs. She hasn't landed the role quite yet." The girls gawked at him, his beautiful smile radiating against their shocked stares.

I laughed as he grabbed my hand, intertwined our fingers and pulled me out of my chair. He ran me down the hallway and into a film room, leaving the rest of the girls behind us.

"Ugh, thank you," I said. "I thought they'd never leave me alone."

"No problem," he responded breathlessly. "You're up. Good luck. Be great." He grabbed my shoulders, planted a kiss on my forehead, and ran out the door, leaving me completely alone in the huge, bland filming room.

Part of the Pack (Daniel Sharman)Where stories live. Discover now