Do You Know Your Co-Star?

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*Note-all of these facts are true. I love the Teen Wolf cast!

"What show does Holland never miss?"

Hoechlin answered immediately. "Oprah."

Holland cheered and gave him a high five. The camera man smiled. "That's correct. Next. Who is her favorite actor of all time?"

Hoechlin bit his lip, thinking. "Oh, man." He said. "I know this." After a few seconds he said. "Oh! Michael Shannon!"

Again, Holland clapped. "You actually listen when I talk to you!" She exclaimed happily.

We all laughed and the camera man said, "last question. What is Holland's dogs name?"

Hoechlin actually smiled. "Fievel. Duh."

Tyler Posey rolled his eyes. "Everyone knows that one."

Holland slapped his shoulder. "Hey! Everyone loves when I talk about my little doggy."

Tyler shrugged, giving her another eye roll.

"Tyler Hoechlin with three out of three." The camera guy said. "Now, Tessalyn."

I gulped and shifted in my seat. "Okay, let's see how well I know him." I said cautiously.

"What cast member did Daniel date?"

Relief washed through me. I knew this. I'd seen pictures of them online. "Crystal." I breathed. Good, at least, if that was the only answer I knew, I'd have gotten one question right.

Daniel raised his eyebrows. "Nice." He reached up and fist bumped me, sending a tingling sensation through my veins at his touch.

"Where was Daniel born?"

I grinned. "London."



I caught a glimpse of Dylan looking at Hoechlin with an expression that said "wow" and Daniel looked pretty impressed himself.

"Last question." The camera man said, marking something on his paper. "What book did Daniel narrate?"

Daniel groaned. "Ooh." He said. "That's such a difficult question. There's no way she knows-"

I interrupted him, gripping the hem of my shirt, my knuckles turning white. "Clockwork Princess."

The cast was silent. No one said anything. Dylan's mouth hung open and Hoechlin looked stunned. The girls seemed a little creeped out, but I could understand.

When I dared to look at Daniel, he was gazing at me with admiration and amazement. "How did you-"

I shook my head. "You'd be surprised," I blurted, "just how much I know about you guys. I've watched probably every single one of your videos or interviews."

There was a nervous silence until the camera man turned to Crystal, who knew Dylan's least favorite subject was History.

Tyler was aware that Dylan played the drums in a band named Slow Kids at Play, but Holland didn't know that Crystal was a major dancer in high school. Dylan automatically knew that Hoechlin played baseball for the UC Irvine Anteaters and Arizona State. On the contrary, Daniel didn't know that Tyler had co-starred opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger.

We had a lot of fun and by the time it was over, my mouth hurt from smiling and my stomach ached from laughing so much.

It was a tie between Hoechlin, Tyler, Dylan and I. Hoechlin didn't know that Holland's favorite fashion designers were Erdem and Bensimon.

"I'm a boy," he protested, "how would I know that?"

Dylan knew that Hoechlin tried out for the role of Max in Charlie's Angels, but Tyler didn't know that Dylan's worst subject was Science.

It was just Dylan and me now. Dylan went first, bouncing his knee nervously.

"Who," asked the camera man, "was Tyler's first kiss?"

I immediately flashed back to a few weeks ago, when I was watching a teen wolf interview.


I sit in my room, my lap top perched on my lap, my earbuds plugging up my ears, watching an old Wolf Watch video. Tyler is talking about the fact that his first girlfriend was when he was 9 and it lasted until it was 11.

Dylan looks surprised that he doesn't know this. "Wait who was it?" He asks, puzzled.

Tyler laughs awkwardly. "Miley Cyrus." He answers.

I glanced at Dylan who looked back at me. I saw something in his eyes that I couldn't quite place, but I saw a sparkle there. He held my stare for a few seconds, then looked back at the camera man.

"Uh, I-I don't remember. Was it Taylor Swift?" He asked, now looking straight at the ground.

"Oh, Dyl! You knew that man! It was Miley Cyrus!"

Dylan laughed nervously. "Oh yea! I remember you telling me that."

He caught my eye and immediately looked down. He got that wrong on purpose. He knew that.

Part of the Pack (Daniel Sharman)Where stories live. Discover now