Epilogue-Pt. 2

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There was a strangely shaped box on my doorstep next to a bouquet of flowers. On the wrapping paper were the words:

Because we love you ❤️ See ya Sat
Dylan, Dylan, Tyler, Tyler, Crystal, Holland

I immediately smiled and snatched up the box, ripping off the paper and opening it.

Inside was a pile of chocolates, my ten favorite flavors, and a white Garter. A note was attached to the garter that said: Something borrowed.

"Thanks, guys," I muttered to the air, my words swept into the cool California night breeze.

I walked into the house and yelled, "Danny, check off something borrowed for me, please!"

"Sure thing!" Came his British response.

I walked up the steps and Danny met me in our room. "You have something borrowed, something old and something new. All you need now is something blue."

"I'll go shopping for accessories with the girls tomorrow. They'll be happy to help-"

But then Danny dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out the most beautiful blue pearl necklace I'd ever seen in my entire life.

"Danny, it's-gorgeous. Thank you." I place a kiss on his lips and laid the necklace softly on my wedding dress, spread out in my closet.

"No peeking!" I told Danny who was trying to see passed me and catch a glimpse of the dress.

"You could be wearing rags for heavens sake and you'd still be the most beautiful girl in the entire world."

"You're pretty okay, too." I responded, standing on my tiptoes to press my mouth to his.

I never got tired of kissing Daniel Sharman.


"Do you, Daniel Sharman, take Tessalyn Tucker to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Danny's translucent blue eyes stared into mine. "I do."

"And do you, Tessalyn Tucker, take Daniel Sharman to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I had been waiting for this moment my whole life. To feel this way about a single person. To be so in love that I was promising them my whole life.

And as I stood on the alter, I realized I was willingly giving Danny entrance to my entire world. 

And he was happily obliging.

And I couldn't have been happier about it.

"I do." I said, my voice coming out smooth and gentle.

"Daniel Sharman, you may-"

But Danny didn't let him finish before bending down to close the space between us.

My moth parted at his touch and I kissed him back, but it was different this time. People were hooting and hollering and everyone I had ever loved was all in one room.

There was the male cast of Teen Wolf, dressed dashingly in perfectly tailored tuxes of all sizes and with groomsmen bow ties of a light orange: The Tylers, and The Dylans. The girls in matching light orange bridesmaid dresses, looking like the five o'clock sunset: Crystal and Holland, beautiful as ever. There was Maya, my maid of honor, and Carter a groomsman.

My parents were there, though they looked like they couldn't care less that I was getting married.

But the truth was, I didn't care. I had everything I'd ever dreamed of. And more.

Danny walked me down the aisle, people throwing rice at us, and I watched as it got stuck in Danny's perfect brown curls, falling loosely over his tanned forehead.

But his smile was what stood out. Not only was it as crooked and handsome as ever, but today, it looked absolutely one hundred percent perfect. Matched with the gleam in his eyes, he was a figure of pure beauty.

He was my figure of beauty.

We got into the limo that's was waiting to take us to the reception in the huge ballroom Danny had rented and Danny's hand never left mine.

"You look so beautiful." He whispered against my hair.

I smiled. "You've said that a couple of times today."

"Should I say it once more?"

"That might be necessary."

Danny's neck bent sideways so his face was directly in front of mine and his lips brushed mine in a flutter of perfection.

"I love you, you beautiful goddess."

"That's satisfactory." I said, grinning and straining my neck to kiss him back.

"And you're the most good looking guy I've ever seen."

"I should hope so."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I don't think that's possible." I answered, loving the feeling of his lips on mine.

"Probably not. But maybe, one day, I'll love you more than you love me."

"Maybe you already do." I challenged.

"Maybe I do."

"Maybe you don't."

"You're making this very complicated."

"Just how I like it."

And then we both shut up, enjoying the bumpiness of our kisses, the limo driving along the uneven road.


"Oh don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me, I said you're holding back, she said shut up and dance with me!" Danny and I belted out the lyrics as he spun me out and back into his chest.

Dylan and Holland, Tyler and Crystal, And Hoechlin an Maya danced beside us, making it a circle of horrible dancers. Muse danced with Erin, who had recently turned sixteen. Muse seemed infatuated with her blue eyes and she seemed hypnotized by his.

He whispered something in her ear and she smiled, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips that lingered longer than it should've. It was perfect.

"This woman is my destiny, she said shut up and dance with me!"

"You're my destiny," Danny whispered in my ear, his breath ticking my neck.

"Shut up and dance with me," I whispered back, grabbing his back and pulling him closer to me. But no matter what I did, he was never close enough.

The thought of ever having him farther than a foot away from me twisted my stomach in an uncomfortable knot and my fist tightened around his shirt.

"You okay?" He asked, noticing my tension.

"Just thinking how awful it would be to lose you." I blurted, regretting it the second I said it.

He frowned. "That's an awfully depressing thing to think about on your wedding day."

I looked into his blue eyes and felt more at home than I'd ever felt before.

As the song drifted to 18 by One Direction, Danny and I switched to a slow dance.

"And you should know better than that, Tess. Because I'd die before I lost you."

"But I'd lose you if you were dead." 

"That's exactly right. And that's why you'll never lose me."

*Author's Note- SECOND PART OF THE EPILOGUE! Ugh the scene in the limo 😂 Love you supporters so much and thanks for all the positive feedback. I hope this was satisfactory, I couldn't spend too much time on it. The next part will blow your minds, I'm hoping. Can't wait! Maybe later tonight, maybe tomorrow. See ya later😘

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