First Filming

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*Point of View of Christina*

"STILES!" I screamed, my voice echoing in the room.

Stiles turned around and looked at me with evil eyes.

There was insanity.

There was rage.

There was good acting.

I held back a smile, he was too good at this.

I took a brave step forward, eyeing the lighter clenched in his hand, his other one making a tight fist, his fingers held tightly against his palm. "Well. Well. Well." He spoke menacingly, his voice not quavering in the slightest.

"Stiles," I warned, taking a step closer, "you don't know what you're doing."

Stiles's face softened a tad, a frown escaping his lips. Then he regained his evilness and said, "Is that right?" But there was a minuscule amount of shakiness in his words.

"Stiles, stop it. You're hurting innocent people. This isn't you. You don't realize what you're doing."

He looked sad for a second, but the look was replaced with an expression of revenge as quickly as the other had disappeared. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"No, Stiles. It's you who doesn't know what you're talking about. What you're doing. What you're about to do. You can't do this to Beacon Hills. You can't go around murdering people because you feel like it. It isn't you, Stiles."

He scoffed. "Okay, Christina." But as he said my name, his voice shivered, a breath of air tickling my face. I was about two feet from him, carefully keeping my distance.

I was careful not to look at the camera capturing every move I made. Don't mess up, I told myself. You have one take to do this.

I shivered in the cold of the room, my body trembling with "fear for Stiles."

Stiles's face had broken into a look of utter confusion and depression. "What are you going to do about it, Chris?"

But his voice didn't hold any of the evilness it had before; it was barren and empty of any emotion. He, Stiles, was fighting the devil inside of him.

"Stiles, if you do this, you'll never forgive yourself. This isn't the kind of person you are. Do you want to be a killer? Do you want to be known as the teenager who harmed random people for the heck of it? Stiles, me, you and Scott have been best friends since kindergarten. We met in a frickin sand box. I remember thinking you two were the funniest little guys ever. But now, I know you're the funniest guys ever. But you're more than that."

A single tear slid down my cheek.

Stiles's face was dark and his entire body was trembling. His fist had unclenched and the lighter was shaking in his hand.

"You've saved me from so much hurt and pain and no matter what happens, you and Scott are always there for me. You protect me and we get along better than anyone else I know. By far. We'll never be any different and our relationship will never change. Ever. And that's more than just a friendship. Stiles, you're more than my best friend. You're my brother."

Stiles's face was now completely sad-stricken and his eyes were filled with the utmost pain. He didn't want to be doing this. And I knew it.

"Now, if you don't stop, I'm going to die. If you don't stop, you'll live and I won't. And I don't think you want that. Stiles, you'd give your life for me. So today, I'm going to give mine for you."

And with that, shaking with fear, I took a scared step forward and reaches my hand to the lighter.

Stiles pulled his hand back, but when I looked into his eyes, mine filled with tears, he slowly forced his hand forward and let me take it from him.

I threw it as far as I could and turned back to Stiles.

And what I saw made my heart leap.

He was standing there the same way, but he looked confused. His rage and fury had been replaced with a terrified look, as if he couldn't believe what he had been about to do.

"Chris?" He asked shakily, glancing at the lighter. "Was I-"

But I didn't answer. I threw my arms around him and sobbed into his shoulder. "No," I said, "No, Stiles. You never would have hurt me. And I knew that."

"Thank you," he stated into my hair.

I laughed. "You're one confusing guy."

"Thank you, Chris." He said again. His arms shaking on my back. "Thank you."

Don't ask me how, but I could feel Stiles's smile. And I smiled too.

*Tessa's POV*


I broke away from Dylan and gave him a huge grin and a high five.

"Guys that was awesome!" Jeff said, clapping his hands and pulling the two of us into a group hug.

"Great job, Dyl," I whispered as Jeff walked away.

"Great job, Tessa," he responded with a wink.

Tyler, Hoechlin, Danny, Muse and the girls ran to us and clapped our backs, cheering for us. "That was amazing, you guys!" Hoechlin said smiling.

"Yea! You're a natural, Tess!" Holland said.

"Absolutely," Crystal and Danny said together.

We all turned to T Pose. He grinned mischievously. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm craving pancakes."

*A/N-OMG I AM VERY PROUD OF THIS CHAPTER. Lol, it's a good thing tho because my second to last chapter kinda sucked so today's double update is a make-up. Tomorrow of course! Luh ya guys so very much💜💛💚❤️💙

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