"First up, Hoechlin..."

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I was walking back from the bathroom when I heard the voices. They were low and hushed, as if containing massive secrets. I tip toed up to the common room door and put my ear to it.

I heard muffled voices and when I concentrated really hard, I could just make out a few words.

"-didn't tell me she was hot." Hoechlin was saying, making my body shudder with excitement.

"-didn't know!" Came the response, definitely from Daniel.

"She's around our age-twenty one-older-pretty chill-" Dylan, I think.

I grinned and pushed open the door, making them all immediately scramble to their casual positions, like they hadn't been talking about me. I strode to the couch and sat down in between Dylan and Hoechlin.

"Tyler," I said, addressing Hoechlin, "wanna show me around after the interview?"

His face flushed a deep shade of red. "Yea, definitely." He answered, turning to Dylan. "Let's take her to that place we went to after we finished Season Two. That place we celebrated the ending of filming it."

Dylan's eyes widened. "Sparrow's!"

Hoechlin nodded, a faint smile lingering on his lips. "Wanna come Dylan?" He asked. He wiggled his eyebrows. "Then maybe we can take her to Luminos."

Dylan grinned. "Guys, we should all go to Luminos to celebrate having Tessa here with us." There it was again. Tessa. It felt even more comfortable this time, like I was already fitting in and becoming part of the group. Maybe this would work out perfectly after all.


"Three-two-one-action!" The camera man said.

Tyler Posey grinned at the camera, gripping the microphone. "Hey guys! Tyler Posey here coming to you live from..."

He trailed off and Dylan and Hoechlin took over. "Wolf Watch with the cast of Teen Wolf!" They said simultaneously.

Daniel spoke up. "Today, we have a special guest with us. Say hi, Tessalyn."

I smiled sweetly at the camera. "Hey guys! I just wanna say how much of an honor it is to be here with the wonderful cast of Teen Wolf."

Dylan grinned. "Glad to have ya with us." He said.

Crystal, who was perched on Tyler's lap, talked to the camera. "Today we're gonna do a "how well do you know your co-stars?" Were gonna put all our names in a hat and well each pick one to do."

Holland, sitting next to me in Hoechlin's lap, reached down and picked up an actual hat, filled with crumpled pieces of paper.

"Here we go!" She said cheerfully, tucking a piece of strawberry blonde hair behind her ear. She dipped her hand into the black top hat and pulled out a piece of paper. She unfolded it and read the name aloud. "Crystal." She said happily.

"Yea girl!" Crystal said, reaching over to give Holland an obnoxiously loud high five. Dylan was next. He pulled out a name and read, "Hoechlin." He breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god. I know everything there is to know about him."

I laughed and the hat was passed to Crystal. "Dylan." She read, unfolding her paper.

When the hat was dropped on my lap, I frowned. "Am I picking one?"

Tyler Posey spoke up, his voice exasperated. "We want you to pick, but we didn't put your name in because we don't know you. But we suspect that you know us." He winked at me at that and I carefully slid my hand into the hat. With a shaking hand, I brought out an exceptionally small sheet of paper, folded about a bajillion times.

I unfolded it and let out an inaudible gasp. I looked up at the camera, stunned by my luck. "Daniel Sharman." I whispered, my lips forming a small smile.

Daniel's face broke out into a crooked grin. "That should be fun." He said, winking at me. Once again, my stomach erupted, wings flapping frantically in my body.

We continued with Hoechlin who got Holland. Daniel came up with Tyler Posey and Posey picked Dylan, who's name was in twice to make up for my missing name.

"Okay," said the camera man, "you'll all get three questions. Whoever answered the most wins. If there's a tie, we go into sudden death."

There were 'oohs' and 'ahs' from the cast.

The camera man pulled out a sheet of paper. "Alright, let's get this started. First up, Hoechlin."

Part of the Pack (Daniel Sharman)Where stories live. Discover now