The Fight of a Lifetime

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"Stop it, Dylan!" I smacked his hand away, making him smile mischievously.

"Can't I just have one?"

I shook my head. "Not until you say please..."

Dylan rolled his eyes. "Please," but he didn't wait for my answer, he just grabbed one of my chocolate covered strawberries and popped it whole into his mouth.

When he spits the leaves out, I couldn't help but start laughing. I could never be mad at him for too long, he was just too funny. "Dylan!" I whined, trying to sound annoyed.

"You know you don't care," he said, grabbing another and throwing it into the air to catch it in his mouth.

I pushed him, almost making him fall off his stool. "Stop!" I laughed.

"Fine," Dylan dragged it out sarcastically. "I'll stop." But he reached his hand in for another one.

Smirking at me, he devoured it noisily. "I don't like you," I told him, eating one myself.

Dylan just chuckled, repositioning himself on his stool. "Come on Danny!" He screamed, making me flinch.

"Jesus, that's quite the scream you got there," I said, rubbing my ears.

He wiggled his eyebrows. "I know, I'm very proud of it."

I just shook my head as Danny appeared in the kitchen. "It's about time," I said, turning to him. He was dressed in a suit and tie, looking extremely handsome.

I couldn't take my yes off of him, every inch of his body outlined in the suit. I smoothed my dress, feeling somewhat under confident.

"You look beautiful," Danny said quietly, his eyes scanning my body.

I blushed. "So do you."

He raised and eyebrows and my eyes widened. "I mean, you don't look beautiful, you look handsome, I just meant-" I gushed.

Dylan and Danny bursted out laughing. "I know what you meant," Danny said smiling. "Come on, let's go."

I gave Dylan a wave and hopped into Danny's car. As he closed my car door, a shrill voice came out of no where.


Danny's eyes widened and a look of worry quickly flashed across his face. He knew that voice.

He swiveled around just in time to put his arms out and catch a girl already flying into them.

"Nina? What-what are you doing here?" His back was to me, but I could tell he wasn't hugging her back. My eyes narrowed. Who was this girl?

"Dan, I missed you too much. I broke my tour so that I could come back for you. Im so sorry I left you. I was a fame crazed teenager, and I never should've done that. I love you, Dan, and I always have. I'm ready to commit."

Flashback to Filming:

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"Yea," he responded. "But I broke up with her right away. She wanted more then me. She wasn't happy with just having me, I wasn't good enough for her. So I broke up with her and she left. Haven't seen her in over a year."
Flashback to Black Light Party:

When I pull away, I whisper, "You know, you're pretty good at this. I don't wanna know how many girls you've kissed."

Daniel smiled a little, his face tired and happy at the same time. "One," he said, his eyes still closed. "And it was the best kiss I've ever had. And I never wanna kiss another girl in my whole life." (By the way, that's not true but it fit judging!)

My heart jumped, beating rapidly in my chest. Me. He's talking about me. Well, now what do I say? Say something, Tessa, don't be rude.

So I keep a straight face and say, "Oh, yea? And what was this girl's name?"

A small smile curled onto Daniel's lips. "Tessalyn. But I like to call her Tessa." He paused, then continued slowly, as if choosing his words carefully. "And she's the most special girl in the world."

So much for that. How could he have loved this girl without kissing her? And obviously he lied about breaking up with her, too. She obviously broke up with him. Which means he might've still loved her. Which means that I'm done.

I got out of the car and slammed the door. I stalked down the sidewalk, stomping my feet in anger, my face taut.

"Tessa! Wait!" Danny broke away from "Nina" and jogged after me. He grabbed my arm, spinning me around.

"What do you want?" I spat. I was furious and my heart was pounding. But not because Danny was touching me, this time. It was thumping because I was angry. Angry with Danny, angry with this Nina girl, angry with the world.

"It's not what you think," Danny breathed.

I laughed sarcastically. "Yea, says every boy who doesn't want their girlfriend to run away from them."

Danny stopped. "Girlfriend?"

"You know what?!" I yelled. "I don't even know if I was your girlfriend. We never clarified. And you lied about everything else, so how am I supposed to know?! You don't care about anyone but yourself and that's why you thought you could get away with lying to me. Well, Danny, karma's a bitch."

And with that I walked away, leaving him in the dust. Leaving him with his Nina.

Part of the Pack (Daniel Sharman)Where stories live. Discover now