T Twice

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I sat in the Teen Wolf common area with the three guys for an hour, waiting for the interview. I talked mostly with Dylan and Hoechlin because Muse was called to set for makeup prep a few minutes after Hoechlin arrived.

Hoechlin was really funny, but at the same time, he was a serious, hard working, no nonsense kinda guy. He didn't smile much, he seemed to have a permanent expressionless face. But that didn't matter to me, he was humorous and sweet all the same.

I immediately took to him and I think he liked me back. He looked me in the eye, listening intently when I talked, and when I wasn't talking, he was asking questions or explaining "how things work around here."

Dylan was a goofball, which I was already well aware of. He liked to make everything really awakwardly funny, he brought the awkward wherever he went. But he was a chill kid, and he was really sweet. He seemed like the kinda guy who would make a really great, caring father and a protective boyfriend, and I noticed that right away. I liked them both, and I grew confortable with them after about half an hour. It took a while for me to believe that it was actually happening, but once I slowed my pounding heart, I was able to have real conversations with them.

As Dylan was asking me about Portland, Tyler Posey sprinted through the door, sweaty and red with excitement. He caught sight of the three of us, squished on the couch and ran right to us. "Hey Tessalyn!" He said happily, sticking a hand in my face. "I'm Tyler Posey."

Hoechlin shook his head at Posey. "Tyler, I think she knows who you are."

I gulped. When I found my voice, I shook his hand and said, "Can I get a picture with you guys?"

They all looked at each other and nodded. "But let's wait for Daniel to get here." Dylan said, looking out the door and peeking up and down the hallway. "Where the hell is he?"

And as if on cue, Daniel Sharman ran into the room and smacked into Dylan. He grabbed him, steadying them both. "Okay, Dylan?" He asked, his sexy British accent showing in his words.

Damn, Daniel was good-looking. He was almost as tall as the doorway, his hair brushing the top. He was maybe 6'3" and let's just say that his tight running shirt did him great justice, his biceps squeezed in tightly. His abs showed through his shirt and I found myself staring. But my eyes found his face, his eyes the brightest, most gorgeous blue I'd ever seen. With his dark, dirty blonde hair, he was perfect, from head to toe.

Dylan nodded to him. "You're late." He joked, smiling.

Daniel's face broke into a lopsided grin. "Love you, too." He said, pinning Dylan's head under his arm. I swallowed. And swallowed. And swallowed. But I couldn't swallow the feeling in my chest. Not only was my heart hammering, but my stomach was doing flips and my face was getting redder and redder by the second.

When Daniel turned to me, his arm fell loosely at his side, letting Dylan free, and his mouth opened just a little, a sigh escaping his lips. He blinked. "Um, hey." He said awkwardly. The knots in my stomach burst into an entire town of butterflies, fluttering their millions of wings inside me.

Tyler Posey laughed, breaking the tension. "Daniel, this is the girl who wrote that amazing fan letter to you."

Daniel looked confused. "Tessalyn?" He asked. I loved the way he said my name; the sound of it with his thick british accent, the way it flowed simply off his lips. It sent tingles shooting up and down my legs, making me shiver.

"Hi." I answered, my voice hitching in my throat.

He slowly walked toward me. "I...I've noticed, uh, you like Teen Wolf." He said simply.

I nodded. We stood there, looking into each eyes for wait seemed like ages, but was probably only a second or two.

Dylan cleared his throat. "Right. Now that we got that incrediby awkward silence out of the way, who's ready to start this interview?"

And there it was. The tension was broken. I broke my gaze from Daniel's perfect face and smiled kindly at Dylan, silently thanking him for pulling me out of my thoughts. He seemed to know what I was thinking, because he winked and patted the seat next to him on the couch. I plopped down, along with Hoechlin and Tyler. Daniel sat on the ground, in between my legs and Dylan's. His hair brushed my legs, sending jolts of electricity coursing through my body.

And then a voice boomed through the entire building, echoing off the walls.


Dylan sighed. "The girls are always late." He whispered in my ear.

I giggled and when I looked over at Hoechlin, his lips curled slightly into a smile. The closest he'd get to grinning, I suspected. "You know," I said, leaning closer to him and patting his knee, "you should smile more often. It looks good on you."

And when he turned to me, there was a sparkle in his eye, and I knew that he was smiling on the inside.

Part of the Pack (Daniel Sharman)Where stories live. Discover now