Black Out

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I immediately spotted Daniel, standing off to the corner, unpainted and looking quite bored. He caught my eye and weaved his way through the crowd, stepping right up to my side. Tyler and Crystal automatically disappeared onto the dance floor, and Holland and Dylan went straight to the painting table.

I looked awkwardly at Daniel. "This place looks so cool," I told him.

He laughed, looking around. "I know the lights are so beautiful." He looked down at me. "But so are you."

I giggled. "That was super cliche."

He smiled a little, his lips curling into a crooked grin. "Do you want to dance?"

And in that minute, seeing all of the girls and boys having so much fun, I made a decision.

"Shouldn't you paint my body first?" I asked, starting to in button my shirt.

Daniel's eyes widened a little, but he quickly coughed into his sleeve, hiding his lustful face. When he looked back at me, his eyes were filled with anxious eagerness and a look of want flashed across his face.

"Um, gah, ugh," he stuttered.

I smirked at him. "Tongue tied?"

He laughed awkwardly and intertwined our fingers, sending jolts of electricity down my spine. He led me through the crowd to the painting table, where Holland was painting Dylan's face.

Daniel grabbed a bunch of different colors while I finished unbuttoning, and slid my shirt off. Daniel dipped his fingers into the orange one, turning to me. "To match your bra," he said with a sly smile.

Daniel's fingers grazed my neck, making a circle around the base, right on my collar bone. He then dropped his hand to my stomachs and rubbed streaked of different colors all over my abdomen and my back. His hands felt wonderful on my skin, soft and warm to the touch.

"Danny," I started. "Can I call you that?"

He looked up at me, averting his eyes from my stomach. They were filled with kindness. "Yea," he answered. "You and only you."

I smiled at him. "My turn, Danny."

Daniel returned my smile, reaching up and whipping off his shirt. I dipped my hands into the red and steeled three lines across his abs, feeling the defined muscles. My touch made him shiver, but I pretended not to notice, smiling to myself.

I worked on his abs for a while, perfecting the three gashes of a werewolf's claws. "Okay," I said, wiping off my hands, "you can look."

Daniel glanced down, looking amazed at the claw marks. "So cool," he muttered, running his hands over the dried paint. He looked in my eyes. "My face?"

I grinned and painted stresses of every color along his face and neck, making him glow perfectly.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the dance floor. Wrapping my arms around him, I put my head to his heart, hearing it beat.

"Why is your heart racing?" I asked, smiling a little to myself.

Daniel's pulse sped up and his bare chest heaved under my cheek. "Um," he said, making me laugh.

"Nice to know," I teased, making him smile that perfectly crooked smile.

"Because," he started, his voice quivering, "I like you, Tessalyn Thalia Tucker."

My heart leapt, practically leaving my chest. It pounded uncomfortably in my throat, my nerves flying on edge.

I finally managed to look into his mesmerizing blue eyes, their beauty making me numb.

"And I-"

"OMG, Daniel can I have your autograph?"

I whipped my head around to see a teenage girl with long blonde hair smiling up at him.

Daniel smiled sadly, disappointed by the interruption. "Sure, love."

He quickly took a selfie with her and signed a piece of paper. "Thanks so much!" She squealed kissing his cheek. I should be the only one allowed to do that...

Three girls followed behind the first blonde one, all wanting autographs and selfies.

When Daniel was finally back to dancing with me, I had lost my romantic train of thought. "I didn't know you were so popular with the ladies." I said, my hands around his neck, our bodies swaying with the music.

"I thought you knew everything about me." He replied, smirking.

"I don't know what you're talking-."

Before I could say anything else, his lips landed on mine, kissing me forcefully. I stiffened at first, then kissed back, moving my mouth in sync with his. Emotions flooded my body, but my mind was blank. We were the only people in the world, just the two of us.

When Daniel pulled away, he looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes. "Did you know I was gonna do that?"

*A/N- I love leaving you guys at the worst parts😳lol there might not be an update tomorrow, I have a very busy day. But definitely one by Tuesday. Please please please vote and/or comment, I love feedback! Please follow me too, it means so much! Anybody who follows me, I follow back! Luh ya guys💚💜❤️💛💙

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