Dina's Dinette and Set

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"Dylan! You're on your seventh full pancake!" I exclaimed.

He didn't even bother to look up firm his plate. "I know," he said, showing a forkful of pancake into his mouth. Syrup dripped down his chin, landing on his khakis.

"Now you're spilling on yourself," I told him, laughing a little.

He shrugged. "These are the best pancakes in the world!" He finished off his eighth pancake and sat back, running his stomach. "I think this calls for a one loosen on the ole belt." He reached down and re-looped his belt buckle, making it one notch looser.

Tyler Posey laughed. "You're disgusting Dylan," he said.

But Dylan just grinned. "Thanks, bro."

Daniel Sharman sat on the end of the table, quietly eating s three egg omelet and a buttered bagel. I shook my head when he looked up and beamed at me. "Man, you guys eat so freaking much."

They all laughed, finishing off their meals and eventually sitting back and closing their eyes, stuffed.

Then something hit me. "Hey guys, where's Hoechlin?"

Tyler looked at Daniel. Daniel glanced at Dylan, who turned to look at me.

We all snapped out of it and pulled our phones out of our pockets. I found seven knew messages in the TW Group Chat.

Hoechlin: Where are you guys

Hoechlin: call me asap

Hoechlin: you do know we're supposed to be on set...?

Muse: guys Hoechlin and j are getting worried

Muse: why the hell is no one answering their phones?!

Muse: we can't shoot without you

Muse: okay, so now you're ignoring us

"Crap!" Daniel exclaimed loudly, receiving many nasty looks from the people around us. "I have seven texts in the group chat...were supposed to be on set!"

Tyler said, "Same!"

I nodded along with Dylan, who was busy wiping his chin with a wet napkin. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the booth, following Tyler. Daniel dropped a fifty on table and we sprinted out of the diner, piling into the car.

We sped to Palisades Charter and I typed a quick "on our way!" to Hoechlin and Muse.

Everyone's phone beeped. "Just me," I said as Dylan went to check his phone.

He nodded as we flew into a parking spot and sprinted into the High School. We ran down the hallway, crashing through the door of the Teen Wolf common room with a loud bang.

Hoechlin leapt off the couch, worry written on his face. When he turned around, relief washed over him. "Where the hell were you guys? We've been waiting for an hour!"

"We didn't know we were supposed to filming today," Tyler said panting.

"We were at the diner," Daniel added, putting his hands on his knees and closing his eyes.

Dylan's chest heaved and he put his hands on his hips, catching his breath. "What are we shooting?"

"Episode One Season Three B," Hoechlin answered, thumbing through his script. "Just practice," he added.

We each grabbed a script and high lighted our lines. We sat on the couch and spent an hour or two reading through the packet, just getting a head start on the lines. We went through a second time, re-reading it with the correct emotions, until we all knew how to say the lines.

Then the producers and directors came over and arranged us in position for the first scene, which started with Dylan and Tyler. I sat off to the corner with Daniel and Hoechlin as they worked on set direction and hand gestures.

"So, did you like Dina's?" Daniel asked, plopping down next to me on the couch.

I smiled at him. "It was so quaint and peaceful. It was wonderful," I added.

Daniel looked at his hands, shuffled his feet and twiddled his thumbs. His face was bright red and he was breathing really heavily. He was nervous, I could tell. "Do you-" he stopped himself.

I watched him closely, following his eyes with mine. "What? Daniel, what is it?"

He finally looked up at me and gulped. "Do you want to go to a Black Out Party with me on Saturday?"

My heart stopped. My face flushed bright red. My mind went completely blank. My voice hit he sin my throat. I opened my mouth, then closed it, no words escaping. I tried to form a sentence, but my voice didn't seem to be working properly; nothing seemed to be working properly.

I just sat there, staring at Daniel, who looked straight at the ground his knuckles turning white as he clutched a fistful of his pant leg.

And then I realized what was going on and I took a deep breath, regaining my cool composure. "That'd be great!" I said to him. Daniel's shoulders slumped and he let a huge breath escape his lips.

He looked up at me, a huge grin plastered to his face. "So I'll pick you up-"

"Come on, love bugs," Dylan whined, "It's time to film the second scene."

A/N-sorry for the late update! Shoutout to TheLost_Kendra go to her page, check out Book of the Broken. Deep stuff right there. Lol luh ya guys💜💙💚❤️💛

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