Epilogue-Pt. 3

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*Author's Note- I just couldn't wait any longer. And hopefully neither could you. Here's probably the best ending to any book I've ever written. Part Three.

**Five years later**

"Danny, remember we have the MTV awards tomorrow."

"How could I forget," came his response. I went into the living room to find him sitting on the floor with the twins in his lap, a book in his hands.

"What's that?" He asked Bradley, playfully tickling his chubby little stomach.

"Blue bawoon." Bradley answered, fingering the page.

"Yes! A blue balloon."

I smiled. He was adorable. And so was Bradley.

At four years old, Bradley was excelling with his colors and his speech. He knew the full alphabet and he could write his first name. You might not be able to read it, but we could. His brown curls reminded me way too much of Danny and his blue eyes matched his fathers.

"Nora, what's that?" He asked her, tucking a stray blonde curl behind her ears. She was just five minutes younger than Bradley, but she was just as intelligent. Her brown eyes studied the page, trying to form a response.


"Good, it's pink. But what shape is that?" Danny encouraged.

He took her hands and formed the shape in the air. "Do you know what shape that is?"

"A circle." She spat out, her hands slapping the book.

Danny smiled broadly and picked the twins up, one under each arm. "Bed time for you two." He said, carrying them up the stairs.

Fifteen minutes later, they had had their milk and were tucked in their beds, sound asleep.

"Just me and you, Tess." Danny pointed out, scooping me into his arms.

I shrieked quietly, hanging onto his neck as he carries me into the living room bridal style. I put a hand on my circular stomach, feeling the baby kicking.

"What do ya say we watch an adult movie?"

"That sounds wonderful." I said, as he plopped me on the couch next to him.

We pushed a DVD into the player and turned on the first thing we saw on Netflix.

Life as We Know It with Josh Duhamel and Katherine Hiegel. One of my favorites. Danny knew exactly what made me happy, I thought, as he brought a cup of steaming hot chocolate into the living room.

We watched the movie, our fingers intertwined the entire time.

When it was finished he looked at me and said, "I'm so thankful for our perfect little world."

I smiled at him. "As am I. I couldn't have asked for a better husband. You make a remarkable father."

"And you make a splendid mother."

He patted my fat stomach. "And together, we're making a beautiful family."


I walked through the doors that confirmed the success of Teen Wolf.

Ah, the MTV awards. I hadn't seen the cast in a couple of weeks and I missed them dearly. We had gone on to film three more seasons of Teen Wolf, ending with season seven. It had been the most brilliant of all, and the experience was unforgettable.

"Hoechlin!" He ran to me and plopped a sloppy kiss on my forehead.

"Hey sis, how're my favorite twins?"

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