Safe Forever

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Danny cleared his throat.

I looked at the ground.

No one spoke a word.

And then, at the exact same time, we both blurted out.

"I'm sorry!" Danny said exasperatedly.

"Why?" I yelled.

We both stayed silent after that, looking into each other's eyes.

Neither one of us wanted to look away first.

And then Danny plopped onto the bed, put his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry, Tessa. I never thought this would happen-"

I stopped him right there. "Oh, so it's okay to lie to me if you know I'll never find out?"

"No! I didn't say that!"

"But you implied it," I put my hands on my hips.

He stands up and starts pacing the room. "Tessa, you have to listen to me."

"I don't have to listen to anyone."

"Jeez, Tess! Can I say anything right around you?!"

I just stared daggers at him.

"Tess, it's not why you think. I swear."

"When you say the words, I swear, it doesn't necessarily make it all better, Daniel."

This really seemed to hurt him, making him squeeze his eyes shut, forcing his hands into his hair again.

"Tessa-" I noticed he still said my nickname, though I didn't say his. This softened my mood a little. "-I dated Nina for a year and a half. But after about a year, I got tired of her attitude, her control. She seemed to think she could do anything to me without me minding. And after a while, I started to hurt too much. All of her verbal abuse caught up with me and I was ready to be rid of her."

I didn't interrupt him, not once.

"I was preparing to break up with her, when she pranced up at me and said 'I'm done Dan. I can't do this any longer. You don't seem interested and I don't want this anymore. Im tired of this life.' And then she went off to New York to 'become famous.' I haven't seen her since and I was hoping to never see her again. But trust me, Tessa, I do NOT still love her, because I know that's what you're thinking. And to be absolutely honest, I wasn't lying when I said you were the only girl I've ever kissed. You are. Nina and I didn't kiss, that wasn't our relationship. But now I know what I've been missing out on. I never want to kiss another girl in my whole life. I love you, Tessalyn Thalia Tucker and no girl, no netter how famous or how beautiful, will ever change that. I'll never notice the beauty of another girl like I notice yours. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever known, inside and out. I knew it the minute I met you. And now I can't get you out of my head. I love you so much, Tessa."

Only then did I realize I had tears teeming down my face, wetting my cheeks, my nose, my neck, my tank. I wanted to run at him, to throw my arms around his neck, for everything to be the way it was.

I believed him, I really did, but I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he lied to me.

But the way he looked at me, the way he talked, his gorgeous blue eyes, his perfect brown locks that curled over his forehead, the way he frowned with sadness, the way his mouth curled up whenever I smiled.

I couldn't help but notice these things either. These things that I loved about him.

"I love you too, Danny Sharman." I said through tears.

I wanted to rush at him and attack him in kisses, but I didn't want to scare him away.

But when he stepped to me and opened his arms, I didn't hesitate.

I ran and jumped into his muscular arms, feeling them envelop me. "I'm so sorry," he said into my hair, my head tucked under his chin.

"No," I responded quietly, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to any conclusions and I shouldn't have blown up at you. I love you, Danny and I never ever want to lose you again."

And as Danny hugged me, I thought about Dylan, probably outside the door with his ear pressed to the frame, listening to our conversation.

He had told me to thank him later and I was ready to thank him with my whole body, from head to toe.

But mostly, I thought about being in Danny's arms, the strength of his muscles, holding me against him. I felt like I was flying.

I felt love for the first person ever, except maybe Carter who was the closet to a loving family member as I'd ever have.

But not anymore.

I had Danny and Danny had me.

And we were safe forever.

Part of the Pack (Daniel Sharman)Where stories live. Discover now