Chapter Three - Dr and Mrs Enys

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The next day Ross and I readied  ourself  for the day, more importantly the wedding. I made my way downstairs

"Mistress, can I talk to 'ee?" Demelza requested

"Of course." I pulled her into the study and sat her down "What's the matter.

"Do 'ee think I'm a bad daughter?" she asks

"No, he was a bad father." I answer. I could see the thought have been plaguing her all night and was waiting to voice them.

"Yet 'tis a bond. Father and child." she voiced. "Despite all it cannot be denied."

"Then go. Take my horse and I will ride with Ross. I may not let my parental demons go but you can." I give her hand a squeeze. Ross mounts first then moves back and pulls me up. Demelza mounts my horse and we ride off. At the crossroads we stop.

"Take as long as you need, if you wish to stay longer send a note that you're okay." I tell her

"I will." I click my young and ride my way to the church."  I pull to a stop

"I'm going to visit Papa, while we wait. I won't be long." I tell Ross. who takes the reigns and I move to the back of the church. It's been a long while since I visited and his grave had fallen leaves dawning it. I brushed them off.

"There you go. smart once more." I say "I apologise  for not visiting more often, or bringing the children. Things get so busy and complicated that it slips my mind. Elizabeth is with child,  again. I think you'd be happy if it were the son of the devil incarnate. To be fair I think it's quite fitting since she's become the same." I heard hooves approaching.

"That will be Caroline, you'd like her. She's secretly getting married to Dwight. But I will tell you about him later. I must go. Goodbye Papa." I ran off and to the from as the carriage comes to a stop. I open the door and Caroline steps out in a pale blue gown and a fascinator.  I hand her, flowers We walk together arm in arm. I open the church door and we step inside where Dwight and Ross are waiting for us.

Caroline and Ross embrace happy to be united.  Ross joins me in the pew as the two are married. Once the ceremony was finished we exited the church and thanked the vicar.

"Congratulations." I chime kissing Caroline's cheek.

"Thank you. It is nice to finally know that he is now stuck with me forever." Caroline commented. Dwight and Caroline took the carriage while I rose on Dwight's horse next to Ross and we made our way back to Nampara for the wedding feast.

"To Ross, who conceived and executed my plan and spirited me from Falmouth and  arranged the parson." Dwight toasted

"And Abigail for the bride's bouquet and the feast." Caroline added

"Prudie and Demelza deserve the credit too. Since Jud moved away she's had time to perfect her puddings." I counter holding my glass up

"And that be another good reason to bless his departing." Prudie added

"You don't miss your former wedded bliss?" Dwight asked

"Like a ruptured spleen." She answered and I snorted in amusements "If Caroline and I are half as happy as our saviour we'll be fortunate indeed." my smile faltered a little bit as I downed my drink.

"Be Mr Penveanan very sick?" Demelza questioned changing the subject which I was thankful for.

"He cannot last more than a fortnight." Caroline answered

"And he have no suspicions." Purdue continued

"Thank you, you two." I gave them the look and they left

"Why would I distress him? But what could I do? The minute Dwight was granted leave, I knew I could not wait a moment longer" Caroline answered anyway.

"You must return to your ship tomorrow?" I ask

"24 hours shore leave is all I'm permitted" he replied and we enjoyed the wedding breakfast. The two of us were having a joyous time .

"Abigail and I regret we have chores to attend to." Ross states as we both stand

"Let me show you too your room." I offer my friend and the two of us head upstairs. I show her to the spare room on the other side of the house which we had done up.

"So Mrs Enys. Are you happy?" I inquired

"The most happy, I can't thank you and Ross enough."

"I'll leave you too it." I head back downstairs and into the parlour as I swap places with Dwight.

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