Chapter Twenty Eight - Oh Dear

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Though I could not be out on the fields or helping in the village, I could tutor Henry and Rebekah in their studies. In a few years time, Henry would undoubtedly follow in his cousins footsteps and go to school. Ross returned home to join us occasionally chipping in with his opinion and making them laugh. I sent them off to play for the rest of the day.

"I wish you wouldn't do that." I sigh attempting to pack their stuff away. Ross came and helped me

"What?" he wondered taking the books an putting them back on the shelf.

"Teach them bad habits. What if we send Henry to school like Geoffrey Charles." I had already told him about George's decree.

"Since when was Henry going to school?" I put away the quill  and ink

"Since we had the means to send him. We've come far from when Henry was born, more stable and able to give him the means of education like we had. Granted he will in time become the Master of Nampara but despite your antics you won't be going anywhere anytime toon. So it beggars the question as to the future." he flopped down into his chair. "There's no need to be like that you knew it had to be coming."

"I did, just no this soon." We couldn't continue the conversation because Demelza came running in.

"Drake's been arrested, Mr Warleggan's had that brute take to Truro Jail for stealing  a bible from his house." she breathed.

"What? Drake wouldn't steal anything, he just puts toads in the pond." I stood behind my husband

"But that's the thing, it was the unwrapped gift Master Geoffrey gave him this morning." she stressed..

"Describe it to me." Ross asked

"Leather. Very ornate, with a silver clasp and buckle. Tom Harry said it's worth could be upward of 40 shillings." Ross and I groan knowing what that meant "What?"

"Theft of good worth 40 shillings or more is a capital offence?" I answer

"Capital? Well, you mean Drake could hang. You must tell them there's been some sort of mistake. Drake's not the sort to steal. I'll go plead before the magistrate before myself." she wept and I moved to comfort her.

"Good plan, except one thing. The magistrate is George." Ross figured

"He wouldn't."

"He would. Think about  why it was orchestrated this way. Not only will the pleas fall on death ears, he'll be all the more vicious with sentencing."

"Bloody hell, Ross why did you turn down the offer? Why couldn't you have been magistrate." I scolded trying best as I could to ease my friends suffering

"The thought has occurred to me." he mumbled

"Oh now it does. You need to fix this." I take Demelza out into the kitchen.


Ross returned from Trenwith with a solemn look, that meant nothing good. Not that it would trying to speak with George.

"He'll hang?" I exclaim in discontent

"Not if I have anything to do with it." he replied going to leave again.

"Where are you going?"

"To find an attorney. To discover who else is on the bench so I may throw myself on their mercy. And to ask Dwight Enys and Hugh Armitage to plead on Drakes behalf." he stated

"Take this with you" I handed him a letter he looked at the recipient "Take it." he nodded and rode off.

"God forgive me. I've failed." Sam some and I turned to him

"Don't say that." I took his arm

"All these years I spent trying' to snatch souls from the foul Fiend. I can't save my own brother from the noose." I brought him into a hug then took him inside to his sister.


I watched as Demelza, Ross, Sam and Dwight were about to leave when the sight of Drake walking his way here stopped all of us. We welcomed him back into the house.

"I can't believe they let you go." Demelza chimed

"The charge was just dropped, Lord knows why!" Drake replied as Sam sat next to him. Prudie brought in pies and puddings  and laid them out

"Truly he move in mysterious ways." Sam beamed as Ross and Dwight joined us. I kept quiet teething the family have their moment.

"So what will you do now? How should you celebrate?" I broke my silence to ask.

"By accepting my offer to find him a share in a profitable business. So he may go and ask for the hand of a certain young lady." Ross declares.

"Oh is she free?" Purdue asks

"Sent home to her mother in disgrace. The engagements off." Drake laughed in shock and happiness as the two shook hands."

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