Chapter Thirty - Bittersweet

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Authors note: So incase you didn't know, times change during the show like from year to  year and a few episodes will be like in one year just ad different times. If you're still confused check Poldark episodes on wikipidea, I'm sure you'll see what I mean. Anyway, Abigail's arm will be out of the splint and on the mend.

Celebrations were a rare commodity these days. We spent the night dancing, drinking and celebrating. I hadn't laugh like I did in a long while. It was the first harvest on the land that Ross had given to the people and it was a success

"Salute your new grave digger!" I heard Tholly's arrival

"Would that not be grave robber?" Ross jokingly ask as the two embrace one another. I went to get a drink.

"Speak no ill of the livin'. 'Specially afore their flesh 'n blood." he made his way bag to a young girl, the girl that I noticed Sam take a liking to. Interesting.

"Yes, sir, daughter of him.. Though I hope I take not after him." I poured one for Ross and handed him it. Tholly's daughter Emma.

"Chance would be a fine thing."  Emma came over to Sam

"Do 'ee not dance?" Emma wondered

"The Lord do consider it sinful." Sam answered, I shared an amused look with Ross. According to Sam at lot of things were sinful

"Well the Lord sounds like a spoilsport." Emma chuckled walking away to rejoin the party.

"So, what's the occasion?" Tholly wondered

"First harvest o' the land gifted by Cap'n Ross." Zacky cheered and he was handed  some ale.

"Giving away your own acreage? Are 'ee mad?" Tholly countered also being handled ale by my husband.

"If so, 'tis a madness sent by the Lord in whom he trust." Sam replied causing Tholly to roll his eyes.

"Trust Ross, you'll get a better return." I smile but it drops as I see a saddened Drake. I look over at Demelza who was chatting away animately to Paul Daniel. Then I turn back to my husband.

"I'm going home and Prudie can have her turn." I tell him.

"Okay." he kisses my cheek.

"Drake would you be so kind enough to walk me back?" I ask, he looks up and it takes a moment for my request to sink in before he rises to his feet and offers me his arm.

"Of course, mistress." I take it and we leave the celebrations, it was quiet at first before I decide to break it.

"How do you fare, since the wedding?" I wonder

"I fare well, mistress. I cannot lie to be disappointed, but what am I to do now? 'Tis the feeling of nothing" he answered. We both fell into another moment of silence.

"I'm sorry." I apologised. In truth I felt guilty about the whole thing.

"For what?"

"For discouraging and then encouraging. The truth is that the harsh reality is that nearly all women of our station rarely if never marry for love. There is always something to be gained by the other side. I wished for your happiness as much as any non platonic person would have. After coming to my own senses and realising life was too short to dissuade you or my cousin."  I explain and we stopped he looked around as if he was trying to find the words to speak.

"You warned me." he began "You warned me of the expectations that were tasked upon Miss Morwenna and I didn't listen. Even when you wanted the best, like sister, you knew the truth and in a way I think I did also." I took his hands

"Both of you lost something. I will tell you this to try and ease your pain. Marrying the Reverend she had no choice. I don't know the details but i do know that, she would never have wanted to marry him." I tried to assure him as best as I could. Of course I knew the whole truth, I had heard it from Morwenna on my visit, the brief time the two of us were alone together, she confided in me what George had done. "Go home and get some rest, I'm sure tomorrow will be another day to being healed." I stepped back letting his hands go and carrying on my way back to the house.


Ross had followed on after me and now the two of us laid in bed, with me wrapped up in his arms.

"Why can't everyone find someone to be happy and content with?" I sigh wistfully tracing my finger on his chest.

"Have you found it?" Ross wondered. I leant up to look over him

"In this moment with you, I have." I leant down and placed a sweet kiss upon his lips and pulled away.

"I hope that it may last." was his reply and I leant back down and fell asleep.

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