Chapter Seventeen - Donations for a good cause.

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Sir John, Sir Phillip, Sir Hugh, Sir Francis... were just four of the many local gentry we visited and gave more or less the same speech. Caroline asked George.

"George Warleggan 50 Guinnes." Caroline chimed

"I know what he's up to. It's not compassion for the poor. It's so he's at the top of the list of benefactors. He can't fool me." I grumble

"Well, into the pot it goes."

"Maybe we should become footpads. Now all we need is the goods." Tomorrow evening will be when the run is taken and I was wracking with nerves.


"I can scarce believe we're at this again?" I huff pacing back and forth. Prudie entered

"I seen Mister Ross an' the other jus' now, heading' for the cove." she told us and I turned to Caroline.

"Right, let's go." I tell her and she stands

"But Mister Ross did say we should stay indoors." she countered 

"He did. He also  said that I'm the mother of four small children and should start behaving like one. So,  Demelza is upstairs with the children and were away to the meeting house." The three of us left and joined in the service.  We sang a few hyms and finished

"Right, candles out and we'll wait in silence. Hopefully we've put of the scent of any watchers." I helped blow out the candles.  We waited and then Zacky came in.

"They're coming." he told us

"No one the wiser?" I ask

"So far, so good." nodding I turned to the others

"Okay, let's be ready." about 10 minutes later we heard them and opened the doors. Ross saw me as I did him.

"Did I bid you to stay at home?" he asked

"Did you? must have forgotten like you do all the time. It's catching." he smirked as I took one of the sacks and headed inside. I came back and forth a few times as we hid the stash. Once everything was away, we all returned home to rise early the next morning.

When it came. I went to see Sam and Drake, the were waiting for us when Prudie and I arrived.

"You know what to do?" I ask and same nods in confirmation.

"But be sure the villagers keep it to themselves." Purdue added

"Surely, Mistress. Else will all hell break loose.." Drake replied and was happy to help unlike his brother.

"'T'aint fit the Lords house being used for such a purpose." Sam countered

"I believe that God trust us to be kind to one another and when someone is in need. I think he can over look the minor discretion of stashing goods in his house for one night, don't you? I'm off to Caroline." I exited their house. I rode to Killewarren and collected Caroline as we made our way back to the meeting house. The folk came for their grain and so did the soldiers not long after followed by George and Tom Harry.

"Why, hello George. Come to see the fruits of your generosity?" I beam "Better yet have you come to make further donation."

"Donation?" he asked

"Yes, sir. See what your kind contribution has purchased." Caroline continued

"Grain. A whole shipful. Now being sold at half the market price to those in need from the district. Perhaps 70 guineas next time." I smirk triumphantly

"There will be no next time. It is not my custom to contribute to the welfare of wastrels who are to idle to earn their own bread." he rebuffed scowling at the sight around him.

"Then may I ask what your doing here. For lest you're unaware, thanks to my wife this is Nampara land. And it appears you're trespassing." Ross came forward.

" He is isn't he?" I fake question my husband "I think the soldier would find it an inconvenience if they had to arrest you. As a magistrate, i'm sure your aware the penalty for such a crime. I suggest you leave now." I clasped my arms together

"I'd do as she says. My wife has quite the temper." George turns to leave. I grin at Ross as at turn and return to handing out grain. wishing a couple of ours we were down to our last couple of bags

"Can I have a word!" Zacky called over to us. We left the other to it and approached him "George Warleggan's closing Wheal Lesiure with immediate effect." he informed us

"Why? That more than 70 jobs gone." I exclaim at the outrage of the whole thing.

"And more hardship for 70 families already struggling." I shook my head in disbelief "Because the profits are small and keeping her open puts her in competition with other Warleggan mines.

"Because she belonged to Ross and closing her , will hurt him." Paul added

"Unbelievable, to spite Ross, he would send 70 families into direst poverty. It beggars belief" I walk away in shock and dismay.


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