Chapter Thirty Four - Matriarch

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I joined my friends side with a bashful smile and a nervous air about me. She glanced at me then at Lieutenant Armitage.

"Truly, I believe that if you and I walked into a room, all the men would look at me, but within five minutes they'd all be clustered around you." She commented  turning her eye back on me.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult?" I inquire.

"A compliment. But not one I think Ross would appreciate." she nodded her head over to him and I followed her direction. He was gloomy and scowling.

"He no longer cares, Caroline. I could have a 100 men vying for my attention and he wouldn't be bothered." I finished my drink and gave her a small smile before retreating to get another.


I am handed my cloak and gloves and slip them on, leaving on ahead of my husband but with my friend. I stumbled and hiccuped, a little too much to drink, I think. Ross, did Steady me as I fell into a nap state. We returned home and the children requested to go to the beach with us. On our way there Ross told me of Sir Francis' offer to be his candidate for the next MP for Truro. Ross and I sat down with Isaac and Emily  while Henry and Rebekah Grace to the opportunity to run and chase one another.

"I think it was a mistake to refuse Sir Francis." I told him with both twins sitting upon my knees.

"I never knew you had ambitions to be a political wife." He countered picking at the sand.

"I don't. But your influence is great. There is so much good to be done. Sir Francis is a good man." The twins shifted in my embrace, so I jaunted them.

"He is. But he too uses his power for his own ends. And he would use me, if i would let him." he sighs "But I will not."


The children and I sang at breakfast the next morning, yet Ross kept quiet and we came to a finish. The children giggled but my gaze shortened.

"Sir Francis is right. You are a stubborn man, Ross Poldark." I narrowed my eyes at him

"Pragmatic." he countered

"Mama said you were pig headed." Henry chimed. my jaw dropped as he and Ross laughed

"Henry!" I exclaim. My son laughed all the more at ratting me out to his father this one time. Rebekah Grace giggled at her brother antics.

"Would you prefer naive? Or sentimental." he asked

"It would be a welcomed refreshing change, Ross." Prudie came in and held out letters too the two of us.

"This just came from Trenwith." she told us and I took the letter. It was from Aunt Agatha. I saw Ross demeanour change

"What is it?"

"Aunt Agatha is dead." he stated

"What? Thant can't be?" i handed Isaac to Prudie and opened my letter "I just..."


I write these words after George denies me my party, and my life that filled me with hope and excitement at such an engagement. Is gone. I won't last much longer, not if that upstart has anything to do with it.

You are an ally, Abigail. A true  Poldark who I come to realise will take the mantle of Matriarch once I am gone. I pass this title to you while I have the sense and means to do so. While Ross is the man of the family you are the true strength and will. You give that Warleggan devil hell in every way. You take this family on and be it's head.

Agatha Mary Poldark

I read her last words and look up. Ross stands and leaves the room, I don't follow him, he needs this moment to himself.

"She'll be the last of the Trenwith Poldarks!" Purdue commented

"There's still Geoffrey Charles. Doubtless George will try and find a way to part him from his inheritance. Though in the last words of Agatha, it's now my mission to stop that." I handed her the letter then read Ross'

"Bloody hell." I jump up from my seat and grab my shawl running to catch up with my husband. He was strolling along the beach when I caught up with him.

"There was more to Georges note than the news of her death." I state making him turn around.

"Funeral arrangements?"

"Not exactly." I answer

"What then?" I opened the letter and quoted the words

"I hope you and Abigail will rejoice in the news that I have been selected by Sir Francis Basset  to be the candidate to oppose Lord Falmouth's in the Truro by-election." I read out loud shaking my head.

"Well there it is." he sighed

"And you could have prevented it." I say

"No, I couldn't" he denied

"When will you learn? How long do you think you can do as you please, plough your fields, regardless of anyone else or I?" I begin to rant


"Not once have you asked my advice, talked anything through with me asking my opinion. Not once." I continued frustrated at him and his selfishness.

"What do you want, Abigail? A man who will lie down, roll over, sit down and beg for you. Well if so, you've married the wrong man." he snipped back

"I would seem so." I glared at him

"Perhaps you should look somewhere else for a pet." he walked away and carried on down the beach.

"Perhaps I should." I comment the walk away "Perhaps I won't have to look too far."


I looked upon my mirror and saw my reflection, glancing down at the last words of Aunt Agatha, entrusting the secret title and mission and Matriarch .

"I won't let you down." I whisper

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