Chapter Seven - Injustice

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Demelza, Drake and Sam came running into the house and into the parlour out of breath and in disarray. I stood up and held my friend up  straight.

"What is it, Demelza? What has you in such a fluster?" I ask her and she brings something to of her pocket, handing it to me. I step back and take it, reading it over. "This can't be serious. Come." I take them into the study.

"You need to see this." I handed him the letter.

"My brothers the went to church, the e'rent doing anything wrong but then The Warleggans came and then just now Odgers came to see me brothers." Demelza explained

"That's all we need more conflict with George." Ross rose to his feet walking out

"But how dare Odgers forbid decent God loving and praying Christians in his church?" I was annoyed at how such a thing could be done.

"Yet, with respect sir, the Lord will surely have some purpose in these ructions." Sam believed

"I don't require the Lord's intervention in my affairs, nor your. Now if you'll excuse me, the Lord has seen fit to consign hundreds of sailors to the bottom of the sea and I must try and discover if my friends are amongst them." Ross packed his satchel and left. I turned to the siblings.

"Please don't take it to heart, Ross and I are under a lot of pressure right now and this couldn't have come at a worse time. Look, I will try to do what I can but with this delicate ceasefire between families  it won't be much. In all honesty the best I can do is help you try to find somewhere else until I can approach and make your case." I offer, the three of them nodded

"We thank 'ee Mistress, 'tis kid of you to help us." Sam dipped his head

"Anything I can do to help my most important friend's family. I'll send Demelza down tomorrow with more food." Demelza guided her brothers out.


That evening I was needing more dough when Ross returned all exhausted and a little worse for wear. I stopped what I was doing as he closed the door.

"Well?" I ask

"The Esmerelda seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth." he replied, like he couldn't believe what he was saying or what he'd been told.

"And the Travail?" he moved to pour himself a drink.

"There was a ship smashed upon rocks. A handful of men, came ashore, were met by a lawless rabble,routed up, set upon, taken god only knows. Or indeed, if the ship was the Travail." he continued and I sat down in almost defeat

"And if it were how can we know f Dwight survived." I breathed

"We can' this distance." I caught on to what he was saying

"Ross, you can't possibly suggest to travel to France now, in the midst of the bloodshed and riot? How could you even get there?" I exclaim not wanting to even entertain the thought.

"What would you have me do? Abandon Dwight to his fate?"

"Of course not, but don't be so quick about it. See if anything can be found out by other means, please Ross. Exhaust every other avenue first." I plead with him taking his hand in mine.

"As you wish." he agreed my mouth opened and shut a couple of times. It can't of been that easy.

"You agree?" I pull back "It's never that easy to change your mind I haven't given you the cold shoulder yet. Why?"

"We have an invitation from Sir Francis Basset." my head tilted

"You mean the Sir Francis Basset the gentleman who rose for working class to gentry and everything that frog face aspires to be. That Sir Francis Bassest. I've met him once he kind, an actual gentleman. He's invited us? I wonder for what purpose." Okay so I may have a little crush on him, and I tried to contain my excitement.

"No, idea. Under normal circumstance, I wouldn't go especially as George and Elizabeth will likely be there. But I am told he has several French nobles with him. If they've come lately from France..." he voice

"They might have news of Dwight." I summarised

"Hardly. But the Travail, of it's fate, who knows?" he shrugged

"Promise me you won't go to France before you meet with them." I urged he finished his drink and looked me in the eye.

"I won't go to France before that." he promised. I stood up and went to the study and wrote two letters one to Verity and another to Caroline. I wouldn't just wait behind and I wouldn't let Caroline either. Verity I'm sure would attend with the others.

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