Chapter Twenty Six - Life of Poldarks

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I was sat by the fire that night as Ross fixed the scythe and I drank some brandy to warm me up. Leaning back in my chair I decided to voice my thoughts.

"Are Caroline and Dwight ill suited?" I wonder. In the beginning I thought they were on their way to being a perfect match. But much has changed since then.

"I think Caroline is in love with Dwight, or rather, the idea of Dwight. But I don't think she'll ever know him especially now." he answered

"You're talking about what happened to him in France." I stated, him and Dwight were alike, both had come back from war haunted men.

"War takes a man places where no one can follow." he glanced back at me

"But if a man's wife cannot help him, who can?" I inquire before standing and kissing his head then going into the study. I took out Geoffrey Charles' letter

Dearest Aunt Abigail,

I am displeased with Mother and her indifference cruelty towards you and Uncle Ross. Upon Uncle Ross' departure Mother, Uncle George and Valentine have returned unannounced. Their presence here resumes the feeling of restriction and boredom and though they think I not notice, pressure upon kind Morwenna.

I miss the day we had at the beach sometimes back and think of it fondly as Uncle George continues to boss me around and cause trouble. I ask of you to send me news of how yourself, Uncle Ross and my cousins are doing. Your life at Nampara is always more thrilling than what happens at Trenwith.

With Love and Affection, Your dearest Nephew

Geoffrey Charles Francis Poldark

My Rambunctious Nephew,

My comments towards your mother cannot be remarked upon, for fear of influence. Though by your words, you need not my remarks because her actions speak louder than words. The feeling you feel is George itself, however, my best advice though not helpful would be to ignore what he says and listen to your Aunt Agatha, she speak the truth, even if one does not wish it. It is no secret that she speaks what we all are usually thinking.

In regards to Morwenna, I ask you to have a care for her at this time. My dearest cousin is under pressure which when your older I'm sure you will fully understand. In the coming weeks or months she will have to make a decision. Whether good or bad we must surround her with our affection and support because she is doubtful to receive it from your mother and George.

Your Uncle Ross, has received a hero's welcome for saving Dr Enys and Lieutenant   Armitage. Though such a welcome has come at a dear cost. We still mourn and feel the loss greatly. He speaks often of your spirit and how impressive it is. We fully expect that when you and Henry are older you'll be quite the pair, though I would be displease if you brought him any undue trouble. Rebekah Grace loves going to the beach and on occasion remembers you there, asking for you when she does. Isaac and Emily grow like all children must and I am so proud if not a little wishful that like you I could keep this moment where you are at now.

As for me, you know as well as I, that try as I might, I can't help causing a little trouble, even if for my own amusement. While George seeks to raise higher, subtly remind him that if I'm in the room, it shan't happen. A tip for putting his nose out of joint if only your moment.

Give my well wishes to Aunt Agatha

Your mischievous, lovable Aunt,



I folded and sealed the letter up to return it tomorrow then undress for bed, falling asleep I briefly wake when Ross comes up. The next morning, I ready myself for the day and slip the letter into my pocket. With the children fed, the twins fall asleep. Henry practices his reading while Rebekah Grace her writing.

"Are you ready?" I ask heading into the study where Ross is sealing up a letter of his own/

"I think I know who can help Dwight." he sealed up the letter and we left. On our return from the learning of the meadow, a new patch dedicated for a better harvest.

"Shall we begin? The sooner we clear, the sooner we plant." I hand off a couple of scythes. Keeping one for myself and get started. Mid clearing I noticed that Ross received a note and left returning a while later to continue helping. When we all stopped for a break  food and drink were brought down. I procured  my refreshment from the hands of my husband.

"Thank you." I handed him the cup back. "I'm returning home to put the children to bed. Take my share of the vittles." I gave him a kiss

"In exchange my share of the ale?" I turned and blew a kiss to him before giggling. My the time I reach the house, it's dark and Prudie had her feet put up.

"Oh. Note, brought for Mr Drake. Master Geoffrey couldn't find him at the cottage, so left it 'ere. Asked if you could help" she told me

"Well Demelza and Sam are still in the meadow. though I reckon they'll be a while." I picked up the note and opened it

"Why would he write to Drake?" I wondered "George has set a trap, to catch whoever is filling the pond with toads? Does he think it's Drake?" I catch the look Prudie can't help but give.

"Is it Drake?" I ask

"Very like."

"Bloody hell. I must go and stop him." I drop the note on the table ran out before Prude could protest. I ride bareback on Alhara to Trenwith. I sneak in and over to the pond, from my point I can see a huddled up Drake with Tom Harry leading the patrol. I look around and see a rock, picking it up I there it into the pond causing a distraction. Drake takes it and we both take off running. I glance back and see him behind me but I tripped.


"Quick, Mistress." he helps me up and on my feet ignoring the pain in my arm. I keep running, when I thought we were far enough i looked back but Drake wasn't behind me.

"Shit." I ran back the way I came  and halted seeing Ross a knocked out Tom Harry and a injured Drake. I use my good arm to help him up and take him away.

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