Chapter Four - A new Birth

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Ross and I  sat on the long chair with the children playing in front of us. Henry was showing his sister how to play Cat's cradle.

"It will be hard for Dwight to leave again." Ross commented handing me a glass of brandy.

"Yes. Yet I feel you envy him." I counter

"Do I? His clarity of purpose, perhaps. The simple act of living in the moment, but not knowing whether you'll live or die." he pours himself a drink as he voices his thoughts

"And something more. A simple life  with no shadow of the past that may come back to haunt him" I add taking a sip.

"Everyone has shadows, the trick is to outrun them." he gave me a sad smile

"Or in your case ignore them." I took a sip.He chuckles and the door shuts, Demelza comes in.

"A letter come from Trenwith from master Geoffrey ." Demelza hand the correspondence over.

"Has he pushed his stepfather down the stairs. Oh I do hope so, that would've pleaded Francis." I chuckle and Demelza leaves. Ross opens it.

"Elizabeth is taken ill, Dr Choke is not to be found and he pleads for Dr Enys to tend upon his mother." I didn't say anything, because I had nothing to say that would be helpful. Ross interrupted the two and Dwight went to Trenwith as Caroline joined me downstairs

"But that a month before her time." Caroline received a note from Dwight that he would not be returning, Elizabeth was giving birth early.

"I'm sure that the fall brought on her travail." Ross leaned against the fireplaces

"So much for my wedding night." she rested the letter away and Ross went to pour himself another drink.

"I'll get you another drink." I took her glass and went to refill it then brought it back. We sat up all night waiting for news. Ross who had been gloomy ever since the note from Gefforey Charles went for some air.

"How difficult it must be for him. He and Elizabeth." Caroline commented "Forgive me, I've no wish to be impertinent. It's just to know that the woman he loved in the past will deliver the  child of his worst enemy. It must be vexing."

"For those who care, I believe it would be." We waited for another hour before I went into the study.

"Ross?" he looked up.

"No, sign of Dwight?" he asks and I shake my head "How unlucky is he? This accident could have hardly come at a worse time."

"You think it an accident?" I inquired easing closer and pouring myself another drink.

"That's what the boy's letter said." he replied

"Why would Elizabeth fall down the stairs? When has she ever done that, and the excuse is not a first time for everything." I say just as there was a knock and someone answered

"That ape Tom Harry has the gaul to show his face here." Demelza grumbles coming in and handing me a note. I open it.

"Oh, crap." I move quickly move into the parlour. "Caroline, you must return home. Dwight sent a note, he's heard your uncle has gotten worse."

"Does he say how worse? Will Dwight meet me there?" she asks

"Elizabeth is gravely ill." I tell her handing her wights words.

"How ill? Is she dying? Is the child?" Ross joins us and I turn to him as Caroline reads over the letter

"He doesn't say."

"i must go to Killewarren at once." Caroline insist

"You'll go with Caroline." It was more of a statement rather than a request. He nodded

"Of course I will." the two of them. I watch them leave and look up at the sky as a black shadow crosses over the moon.

"I never was one for praying." I comment

"Neither I." Demelza added

"But if I was, tonight would be the night I pray." I continue looking up as it becomes all black.

"For what?"

"Justice, Deliverance. I've heard enough tales to know a black moon is a bad omen and nothing good will come of this night, I stayed out there for a while until the moon turned red and then I went back inside.


I was receiving water from the pump the next morning when Ross returned home. I stepped away to meet him.

"Elizabeth is alive and so is her son." I stated making him nod "Dwight returned just before dawn and left shortly after for Falmouth."

"I must speak with George." he stated

"What for?" I inquired

"There is a conversation to be had that can no longer be avoided." He rode off again and I shook my head going about my business. I am feeding Alhadra my horse the I saw Drake and he was followed by someone.

"Drake." I greet

"Mistress, This be mine and sisters brother Sam. Sam this is Abigail Poldark, mistress of Nampara and sisters most trusted friend." Drake introduces us.

"It is a pleasure Mistress." he bowed his head

"Your too. I take it by the two of you here, your father has passed on." I assumed

"Aye, mistress." Drake answered

"Please, come inside." I lead them into the kitchen. "Demelza." she looks up and sees her brothers.

"Why don't you take the rest of the afternoon of and take them to your home." I suggest

"Thank you, mistress." She takes her brothers away and I leave Prudie too it. On Ross' return we take a stroll upon the beach and talk.

"I feel thankful you gifted Demelza one of the outhouses. Do you think they'll stay long?" he wondered

"I'm not sure. Either way I think it's a good thing. They don't seem nearly as bad as their father. And you, your escape from your family?" I change the subject

"George is not my family."

"But Geoffrey Charles is. He's both of ours, and for the sake of peace you've given that up." I reply

"I must trust him to his mothers care." I scoff

"Because her care can be relied upon, at least with you he has a fighting chance. What about the child?" I continue

"To his fathers."

"yes, Ross." I agree. Though is sadden me not to see Geoffrey Charles and have him play with his cousins.

"So we'll have no more connection to Trenwith."

"It's for the best. No good can come of a link between our two families. And since you've lost a part of your family would you be ready to embrace a part of mine?" I stop him "I received a letter some time ago. A man writing to me claims that my mother had a brother, one who was freed some time after her and wishes to meet me."

"Could this be true?" he asks

"I asked Jud to look into it before he left and he had a note sent to me. After much digging and drinking on his part. He finds it to be truthful."

"Abigail, what does this mean?"

"Nothing at the moment. I will write back in due course. There's something else though and I'm no sure how you'll take it." i bite my lip


"I'm with child again. I had Dwight confirm it before his departure." I tell him and he touches my stomach in surprise. "You're not unhappy?"

"I might wish the timing were better." he grinned "The war's getting deadlier and everything in this world seems less certain...except for you"

"You're that certain of me?"

"Perhaps I don't deserve to be."

"That's true I'm a tyrant with the temper to match Henry the eighth." I joked

"But with you beside me, what ever life sends..." I take his hands in mine.

"We'll face it together."

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