Chapter Twenty Four - Return

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The next day after having a wash and feeling a little normalcy. The three of us were preparing for dinner and supper when Sam crashed through the door.

"The cove, Nampara cove." he breathed Demelza and I looked to one another before undoing our pros and running off. Sam, Demelza and I ran as fast as our feet could carry us down and we arrived just as the pulled themselves in.

"Ross!" I call he turns and I jump into his arms

"Judas what happened to you?" I pull away turning to Demelza who had ahold of Drake

"'Tis just a scratch, sister." Drake brushed off

"He'll need rest and warm." Ross stated

"Have him taken up to the house." I say then see Dwight "Dwight, the brought you home!" I pulled him into a hug.

"And Zacky, I'm so glad your safe" I turned my attention to him.

"You have no idea how glad we are to be here." he replied and I pulled away.

"A face I don't recognise." I breath

"Lieutenant Hugh Armitage at your service ma'am. Captain Poldark was my saviour too." he greeted

"Your Lord Falmouths Nephew, he'll be beyond please on hearing your safe return. I will write to him as soon as we return back." I beam and walk off "Then this means it was a success. You've all returned home." I saw the haunted look on my husbands face.

"No, not all." I looked around placing the faces then covered my mouth realised

"Captain Henshaw."  My voice breaks as I stepped back into the embrace of my husband  who wraps an arm around me. We make our way back up and I notice my cousin on the cliffs looking down


"Prudie make two beds. One for Drake and One for Dr Enys!" I call

"'Tis already done. Ole Prude'll see 'em right. Bring him in, bring him in!" The were set down.

"Lieutenant, stay with the others, they will give you food, water and rest." I tell him

"And you, Mistress?" he asked

"I will ride to tell your uncle, suggest you stay the night and have someone pick you up in the morning." I reply "Ross, I will be gone a while but I will return with Caroline." he nods and I grab my cloak and saddle my horse.

Upon reaching the house of Lord Falmouth I banged on the door till it was answered

"Mistress Poldark to see his Lordship, urgently." the butler nodded and lead me inside. Lord falmoth was still having breakfast

"Excuse the interruption but I have information" he stood up and came over taking me to one side.

"What is it?"

"My husband lead a rescue team to France, he save his friend and with him, brought your nephew Hugh home." he stood back "He safe, walking and talking, he's being tended to at Nampara. I would have sent a note but this seemed quicker. I can't stay and give you the details, but we'll take care of him the night and you can pick him up tomorrow."

"Thank you, Mistress." he breathed

"I have to go, but tomorrow okay?" he nodded and I left. My next stop was Killewarren. I was let in with no fuss, Caroline was sitting on her own

"I hope you feel strong enough for a small surprise." I held out my hand and she took it. The two of us rode to Nampara and I sent her upstairs.


The night Demelza slept vigil over her brother as Ross and I sat by the fire holding the twins. Henry and Rebekah Grace were still awake  and leaning against our chairs.

"Still think he's a pest?" I ask looking back at brother and sister?"

"Yes. But a brave and fearless pest who may have saved my life. If he wasn't Demelza's brother one would think he was related to you. The three of you have the same spirit." he commented


We had commissioned a grave stone for Captain Henshaw the sat proudly on the cliffside near Wheal Grace, Demelza, sang sweetly. I leaned into the embrace of my husband and he kissed my head as we all mourned our fallen friend. When Demelza and her brothers had finished we began to dispersed

"I shouldn't have let him come. I should have foreseen the consequences." he plagued himself with the thoughts

"How could you? How can we ever know what will come of our actions?" I cried trying to comfort him.

"I agree." we turned our attention to Lieutenant   Armitage "How could I foresee a month ago that today I'd be a free man? How could your husband foresee that in freeing his friend, he's liberated a man he'd never met?" his kind words meant well

"I hope that whatever consequence comes of your liberty, you'll take full advantage of it." I hope

"Believe me ma'am I intend to." he left us alone

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