Chapter Ten - While Ross is away

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I stood on the cliff tops with Henry and Rebekah Grace looking out to sea. Both children clutching onto my hands as we do so.

"Where is Papa, Mama?" Henry asks "He's been gone a long while." He looks up to me in wonder.

"Uncle Dwight is lost and Papa has gone to find him, my sweet." I answer

"Will him come back?" Rebekah Grace Wondered

"We must trust that he will. Your Papa is a brave and strong man who loves us dearly. He will always fight to come home to us." i assure them "Come, lets go home." We turn around and make the walk back. I am beginning to teach them French, the irony is not lost on me I know. but along with the basic knowledge of reading, writing, numbers, history, with a dabble in sciences. They are learning riding, languages, little tricks of the trade. Upon our return home Caroline was waiting for us.

"He'll be home in a few days." I inform her

"I pray for his return and dread it..for while there's no news of Dwight..."

"There's still hope." I conclude in understanding.

"Yes, that he is still alive somewhere in France. I couldn't bear Ross to risk his life for nothing." There was an awkward silence between us.

"Dr Enys be alive, Old prudie feel it in her bones." Purdue assured her

"Don't worry about Ross. He's tough than he looks and can take care of himself...most of the time." i say as an after thought .

"In any case 'tis only Roscoff" Prudie scuttles off leaving the two of us leaving me more uneasy than when she first came in. Caroline left a little while later and I went to see Zacky for any news.

"Anything from Rosscoff?" I ask

"It's not good. Revolution has hit it hard. Information'll be difficult to find. Ross will need to bide a while." Zacky informed me making me sigh

"Of course he will. Ross and plan should never be in the same sentence, because it never works out." We began walking together

"Have you heard the latest? About Demelza's brother Sam. Not being allowed in church, his brethren have taken to signing outside." I chuckled

"not that I don't find it courageous if not amusing sticking it to George and the others, but if he continues something bad will happen. Not that he'll take mind, but call it God's will." I stop thinking

"It does not sit easy with me this show of defiance" Zacky voiced

"Neither with me, Odgers forbids them the church which is ludicrous in any mind other than the stuck up folk which continue to go there. Maybe, maybe would could find them a place of their own." I thought "There are so many parts of Poldark land and outbuildings. Wait isn't there a derelict church just on the outskirts of our land?"

"There is, not been used since before old Joshua's time." he answered

"It would seem perfect, would you gather them up and bring them over for me?" I ask him

"I'd be happy to." he went on ahead and I went to retrieve Demelza, both sides met up at the abandoned church.

"Now technically, Ross doesn't want you worshipping on his land, but this is a grey area and technically Poldark in general terms. Either side can use it." I tell them.

" The old Grambler meeting house 'Twas gifted by Francis to the villagers" Zacky added

"What happened to it?" Sam wondered

"George bought most of the land and close Grambler mine, the village emptied and fell into disrepair." Sam and Demelza went to have a look.

"He's a veritable john the baptist." Zacky commented making me chuckle

"You're not of the same connection?" i wondered

"my father was and grandfather afore him, but I have more sense. You?" he countered

"I was a good little church girl when I was younger, losing my Papa, growing up, I lost my faith in most respects." I answered Sam came back out.

"'Tis not so very decayed. It would take but a good few men with timbers and nails."  I beamed "Thank 'ee Mistress Abigail."

"Your Welcome." That day we set about clearing up the land and building. Drake had appeared and helped out

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