Chapter Nineteen - Best laid plans

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Ross, the children and myself watched as the waves crashed against the rocks. Caroline had written to us with the Admiralty's plan.

"So the plan is, the Royalist fleet will land in France, overthrow the Republic and free the prisoners." I voiced

"So Caroline believes." The twins fuss as they were held by us.

"Should't we give it a chance. I want Dwight home as much as anyone. I just wish you here a little longer." I glance up at him. Caroline had returned so leaving the children to their lessons and sleep. We join her, Ross spoke with French  gentry while I with Caroline.

"So plans are being finalised." she told me

"What do they intend?" I wondered

"To lead an army of those loyal to the monarchy, to sail to France and overthrow the revolution. The landing will scarcely be 20 miles from Quimper. To think I was pressing the Admiralty when this landing will enable all prisoners to be released." I hugged her in happiness.


I was already in bed as Ross undress for the night. I had gone over what Caroline had told me.

"I admire Caroline's optimism." he began to be the opposite "War is never simple. Nor human nature." he stood up and removed his waist coat.

"You've been to war. What is it that drives men to savagery ?" I wondered as he faced me

"A refusal to see their fellow men as human. To view them instead as a symbol of something they hate. Then there are no depths to the atrocities which may be committed." he answered

"You're afeared for him."

"This landing could provoke a slaughter of prisoners . It might be weeks before the Royalists reach Quimper. Dwight may not last that long


The next morning I sit on the beach with a picnic ready. The children played as the twins were in the bassinet. I was waiting, for my cousin and nephew.

"Aunt Abigail!" Geoffrey Charles runs over and I stand up "I've missed you."

"As I have missed you." i look up "Cousin, it's so good to see you again. We didn't have a proper chance to speak the last time we met." I hugged her as well

"It's nice to see you too, Abigail."

"Children, come eat! Cousin Geoffrey's here"! I call them over and they come running. The cousins greet each other and we all sit down.

"How was Truro? Was it dreadful, for the both of you?" I ask taking a bite of the apple

"It was boring, Morwenna and I would have much preferred to be at the christening celebrations. Wouldn't we?" Geoffrey turned to my cousin.

"I think it would be impolite to say." she replied

"You can speak freely here, cousin. We have no judgement on your other judgments. How is being governess treating you. I hope my nephew isn't getting you into to much trouble." I narrowed my look on the young boy.

"If I am, it's because I learnt it from you and Aunt Agatha." he countered

"Quite right, too." I nod firmly.

"Looking after Geoffrey Charles has been thrilling and I'm happy to be here." I could see something was bothering her.

"What is it? Maybe I can help."  she didn't say anything till the children left to play, that was whens he opened up to me.

"George and Elizabeth are pressing that I take the hand of Reverend Whitworth." she confided and my gaze softened

"A reverends wife. How do you feel about that, given the fact that even I know your heart does not lie with him." I wondered to my dearest cousin.

"Your assumptions are right but I cannot out right refuse. I've been trying to hold them off but all three of them are becoming ever more persistent. I don't know what else I can do." she sighed and I saw a stray tears. I wiped it away.

"I advise you to be cautious, seeing Drake doesn't help either of you if George finds out. He is a vindictive man and you do not have the same protections as I do, your mother had left you to the whims of a man who will do something just because the wind blows in a certain direction. I love you Morwenna, right now you being here you have to think about your survival. Do whatever you need to do to survive, that is the best advice I can offer." I gave her a warm hug.

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