Chapter Thirteen - Strength

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I brought food and drink to the people working on fixing the meeting house. I smiled an the almost competition.

"You've done well, Sam." Both brothers approached

"How did you do it?" Drake asked

"Oh, I played George at his own game. He likes to think he's all that but I've grown in my tenacity. I'm having my lawyer draw up a formal agreement, when Ross returns he will co sign it with me, after a little struggle no doubt." I handed out water and food looking over the restored meeting house.

"I do thank ye so much, mistress for helping my brothers out." Demelza beamed

"It was my pleasure. In more ways than one." I took a breath "I know I'm for not rupturing the peace but disturbing it a little or more than a little is good for moral. With this one George's Problem is with me not Ross' and not your brothers. But they must be careful, he has their sent and will no doubt try something else."


I stood looking out over the feels with Caroline. Ross had still yet to return and there was even less news about Dwight.

"After all this time, I cannot think that any news will be good." Caroline voiced

"Me either, from what I've learned of the conditions of France...." I rtail off for a moment slipping my arm through hers "I think we must prepare for the worst."  I warn her softly as she seemed to take it in.

After she left I was collecting fire wood to take into the house when I heard hoves and neigh approaching. I stood up right.

"I can't be?" I muttered as the figure came closer "It is." Ross was galloping towards me. I left the firewood to meet him. He jumped down and came into my embrace. I thank heavens he was home.

After our reunion we headed inside and sat down, he slid over a piece of paper and I opened it. It was a list of name I ran my finger down the first side, there was nothing then the second.

"Oh, thank heaven's he's alive." I breathe

"For what that's worth. If you knew what conditions are like in France for enemies of the Republic..." I folded the paper back up.

"You must ride to Caroline at once. Put her out of her misery." I breath handing it over. He took it from me and did as I asked. Upon his return he asked of how things faired here and I told him about the old meeting house.

"You invoked the join contract? By whose permission?" He asked incredulously as I combed my hair that night.

"By mine, Ross. Who else could say so? Certainly not George." I reply

"You would take a decision without consulting me?" he retorted. I sigh and lay down my comb standing up and turning to him.

"You're seriously asking me that?"

"I'm seriously asking it yes." he answered as I folded my arms over my stomach.

"Who am I, Ross?" I question him.

"my wife." I hummed

"And when your away, who do you suppose I refer to? Should I wait for your return to fill the empty spot you leave behind. Or do I fill it to your return on official notice of non such happening. When you are not here, things move on and happen. I have children support and another on the way, a farm and a mine to add to boot. Other women may buckle under such pressure or seek a man to ease it. I do not, I act on our behalf of the family. For all I knew, you might not have come back." I explain not moving from my spot.

"But I have come back." I raise my eyebrow at him "You're right." he sat down at the bottom of the bed.

"I have no business questioning what you did in my absence. You're my wife not my chattel. France is a desperate place and there were times when I doubted whether I'd come back alive. But now that I have...I'm not about to quibble with the conditions of my return." I rest my hand against his cheek.

"Perhaps, if you behave yourself you will get the warmer welcome you deserve." I then clipped him around the ear.

"Ouch, what was that for?" he held his ear.

"Sending your hat back and not you, you had me worried." i scowl

"I said I'm sorry." he groaned

"Good." I undid his neck tie and leaned in to give him a welcome kiss. I stood back and winced "Awh."

"What? What is it?" I grabbed his hand resting it against my stomach. Kicking, rather brutally I might add, that one hurt.

"Active." he commented

"Like riding a horse, which I am not." Ross stood and helped me undress before getting me into bed. He went round to the other side and resting his head on my chest and rubbing my stomach.

"No doubt you were surrounded by French Beauties." I comment running my hand through his hair.

"No doubt I was." he mumbled

"No doubt you availed yourself?"

"No doubt  I did, for I have no beauty at home to compare" he joked "Have I?"

"Your incorrigible." I chuckle as we fall asleep like that

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