Chapter Eleven - Worry

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Henry and Rebekah Grace rested their heads on my lap as they slept. I ran my hands through their hair as my thoughts turned to Ross and prayers the he would return home safe. Eventually I brought them up to bed and fell asleep myself.

The next morning I went about checking on the villagers. the harvest had been a bad one and there was unrest. On my way back a stopped out of the way for a moving carriage. Going past was Elizabeth with Geoffrey Charles and his new Governess our cousin,Morwenna. The two of us shared a glance as she went on by.


I invited Caroline around for some tea, I had little news to give her but a little all the same.

"How frustrating is a woman's lot? Where left idling at home while me go off an fight battles." she commented

"Excuse me I do anything but idle, thank you very much." I chuckle rubbing my stomach, big and heavy I was now with only a few months to go.

"perhaps I've grown less bold since my marriage." she thought

"I doubt that. If anything you're like me and become more determined and courageous." I reply back.

"I've been considering..." she trailed off


"How could I get news of Dwight? Who do I know who has influence and could use it on my behalf." I gave her a curious look

"Why do have a bad feeling about your idea?" I ask


I stood outside the meeting house. Zacky had come to get me with bad news to deliver. George was at his tricks again.

"Mr Warleggan's taking it back?" Drake asked

"Can he do that?" Sam wondered

"Well he own the land." Zacky replied

"No he doesn't it's Poldark land and it was gifted by Francis. He told me so." I protested

"Verbally gifted, nothing writen down." Zacky added

"What harm would it do, to let us use it?" Drake inquired

"none at all. You've defied him so he means to try and put you in your place. However you have one thing he does not." I grin "Me. We will come at this from two points I will find the legal means, you will go talk to Elizabeth. Francis did gift the land try and appeal to whatever better side she may have left. Try to keep them civil Zacky

  " I make my way home and search through the records. the place was in disarray when I found it.

"What you be doing?!" Prudie exclaims.

"I, Prudie am sticking it to George Warleggan." Then I see the mess "I will tidy this up later. I promise.


I sat down in the office of Mr Halse waiting for a few minutes before he entered.

"Mistress Poldark." i stood "Please sit down, It would not be fair in your current condition to have you up and down." he sat across from me.

"You wished to see me?"

"Yes, I know that, my husband has been a cause for stress to yourself and other magistrates but I was hoping you could help me. While Ross' is away on business the concern of Nampara are left in my care. I have been slowly making my way through the affairs of our buildings, lands and the such. I came across this." I handed the documents over "From what I can gather it's something about a joint unity of land between the Poldark brother or cousins." he read it over

"Yes, the  there is a patch of land between Trenwith and Nampara this is jointly owned between the masters of either side."

"The the genuine legality of it?" I inquire

"Law abiding, there are signatures I recognise, Is there a reason for looking into such matters?" he wondered handing it back over.

"Would you indulge me in a hypothetical?" he nodded "Say there was something that had been gifted by one side and not opposed by the other. It being in joint land and a grey area, it now has reason for being in use yet and outsider with ties is trying to challenge it."

"The only person that could challenge this would be a Poldark married or born. The contract is eloquently intricate." he told me

"What if it was someone acting on behalf of a minor?" my words were quick and he thought about it.

"Let me see it again?" I handed it over "No, it says only a born or married in can contest the use of this land. If you do not have the Poldark name, you have no say."

"I thank you very much, for being so helpful." I stand and lightly dip in a curtsy.

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