Chapter Thirty Three - Unlikely competition

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The voices became drowned out during the dinner, my spirit not in the best mood of entertaining or charming. My eyes drew to the navy navigator across from me. He wasn't interested in the conversation either, rather he was sketching. He glanced up at me and I turned my head with holding back a smile.

"The young General who crushed the counter revolution in Paris, I believe we'll be hearing a good deal of him in future" Ross commented as attuned myself back into the conversation.

"Bonaparte. He now in charge of the French army in Italy." Dwight continued

"Cleared the streets of Paris with cannon. Fired on his own countryman." Sir Francis added to the conversation. I took a sip of my wine and had some more of my sorbet.

"Such a man to be reckoned with." Dwight countered

"And their Directory of Five who deposed the other  tyrants?" Ross inquired to our host for the evening.

"They're criminals, in every sense of the word." Sir Francis declared. From out of the corner of my eye I notice Armitage tune back in also.

"My Uncle Falmouth would be relieved to hear you say so. He speculated that in dining with so prominent a Whig. I'd hear talk of peace and views favourable to the revolution." his gaze feel back upon me.

"Then your Uncle should know better. The true Whig is as patriotic as any Tory in the land." Our host gracefully countered. I pulled a face of oh dear which made him smile.

"What form might Lord Falmouth's plans for Truro take? Who will be the next MP. You perhaps?" Dwight wondered which made his friend laugh at the thought. He had a nice laugh and smile I thought

"I'm not sufficiently biddable. Too much of a rebel." Came the answer

"I would have thought that made you the ideal candidate, if revolution is your aim?" Dwight countered.

"Which it is not. I know my limitations. At sea I'm a passable navigator, on land an average poet and indifferent artist." He carried on sketching

"You've been sketching, may we see?" Caroline hoped which caused him to close his book and slip it away. That made me all the more curious to see what was in that book of his.

"By no means. I've failed miserably to do justice to my subject." Our eyes met and lingered on one another as he had some wine.

"I have taken the liberty of providing some small entertainments. Shall we adjourn?" Chairs scared against the floor as the small dinner party rose to their feet. The doors opened and he showed that he had set some wooden pins with balls to knock them over. There was much delight as we left the dining room and  dispersed around to watch the game. Ross and Sir Francis were the first to play. Lieutenant Armitage came to join me in the watching. I cleared my throat. The swirl of feelings of nervousness confused me.

"A Navy Navigator on the sea, you stated?" I made conversation

"At sea yes." he confirmed "Which is where I presently find myself. Wholly disorientated, shipwrecked, lost" he added, his gaze never leaving mine.

"I imagine it to be strange to return to the comfort and the safety of home after the horrors of prison. I know Dwight also has his struggles those seems better in recent times." I breath taking a sip of my drink.

"My struggles are of a different kind. So different that I dare not even name them." there was brief cheering during his pause "And you will not ask me too."

"It hardly my business." I glance down

"I wish that were true." he replied and my heart skipped a beat as my mouth went ajar.

"Blooms from the garden of Eden." I turn my attention to the flowers behind them, distracting from the implication that the young sailor had just made. I made my way over to them.

"But where lurks Eve." he whispered in my ear making me smile.

"And where the snake." I countered. Then made myself top up my refreshment, the young sailor was quick to follow. "Shall you return to the navy?" I asked

"Once my eyes have mended. The fault is entirely my own, for scribbling away in Semi-darkness." he answered

"Letters home?" I assumed

"Sketches. Attempts at verse. It was all that kept me sane." I nodded in understanding

"You were sketching at dinner." I stated before taking a sip of my drink

"May I show you" he removed the book from his pocket and opened it to the page from today. The sketch was of me "I'm no Leonardo but you are surely Mona Lisa."

"I'm no Mona Lisa, sir. Not by a long shot. Though I appreciate the compliment." I handed it back to him, as he took it our fingers brushed together, causing me to gasp. Quickly removing my hand I brushed a fallen hair back.

"Maybe I should stick to verse. Especially with such inspiration before me."

"No one has written me poetry before." I breath unevenly as I feel my palms sweat. I dry them on my dress.

"Not even your husband?" He wonders which makes me laugh.

"Ross is many thing and has been called many in return. 'poetic' isn't one of them." I reply

"May I see you again. And Ross too, of course." he hoped for and I saw Caroline in the corner.

"I will ask Ross, when would be convenient." I curtsy and quickly by calmly leave for my friends side.

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