Chapter Nine - Social Gathering

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I needed a drink or two after conversing with George or Halse. Whilst I drowned the encounter Halse approached Ross and a coughed in shock covering my mouth. I watched the two converse then head upstairs.

"Oh I've gone and done it now." I mumble to myself. I finished my third and caught out Verity who stood silently crying over a portrait of Andrew.

"Don't lose heart. I'm sure he's safe." I try to assure her.

"Then, why have we not had word? I must prepare myself." I try to protest but she stops me "My dear, do not pity me. Pity Caroline. Her life with Dwight has barely begun and I've had six years of happiness. I have our beloved child. I never expected such joy and if all is now lost...I'll be forever grateful I had it so long."

"You're too good, for such a possible ending, Verity." I take her hand

"I'm not. i'm like you. You've learnt to make the best and to be grateful for what you have in your life." I shake my head and I see Ross taking a drink and walking into the path of Elizabeth and George. They walk past each other."

"Even the in laws." I nod over too the two

"I confess that disquiets me. The Poldarks are quick to anger and slow to forgive, you.. Have you become so like Ross that you can no longer let go of your ill will?" she asks "Here we are in the same room, bound by ties of blood, yet unable to meet. Will you not let me bring you together?"

"I'm worse. It is not ill will but betrayal and insecurities mixed together. Elizabeth and I have had our disagreements in the past, I admit that. None of them, not one compares to this. I will do many things you ask of me Verity, but this is not one of them. There is nothing to re unite, the only people I care for on that side is my nephew and Agatha." I tell her with such conviction. Caroline comes rushing over to us.

"My dear, your husbands ship, the Esmeralda..." she began


"Captain Travoise has had word from the Admiralty . She put into port in Lisbon two days ago, weather beaten but unharmed." Verity cried in relief. I hugged her in happiness and took Caroline's hand. One husband safe, one to go. We broke apart to tell Ross.

"Most excellent news, I'm very glad." he handed her a glass of port. I guided him away.

"I hope I didn't land you in it with Halse, I became overly opinionated for my surroundings." I took his arm.

"It was nothing to do with you. Halse offered me a position as magistrate and I refused." he informed me causing em to stop.

"You refused. Why? As magistrate you could have done so much good. Be a fair head amongst  those power hungry ones. The villagers and others like them need someone on their side." I tried to stress.

"I wouldn't be permitted to be on their side. I'd be obliged to be fair." he countered

"At least you would use your power wisely, with justice and mercy on the mind, unlike someone we know, you'd do it for the right reasons. Ross you could have possible just made things worse." I shake my head and walk off. We stayed a little longer before the three of us left, wiser in some cases but not others.


Upon our return home, Ross grabbed a glass and the brandy bottle.

"I didn't want to distress Caroline but Comte de Sombreuil thinks we should prepare for the worst." he stated

"Why?" I ask

"I there were survivors there'd be names, lists, posted about the streets to boast their capture. There are no lists." he told me and my hopes dropped

"So no one survived?" I sat down with a thud. He offered me a drink but I shook my head.


I laid in bed that night thinking as Ross undressed himself for bed..

"There is some consolation." I voiced

"I knew if it existed you'd find it." He gave me a sad smile as the thought swirled around my head.

"Andrew is safe and Verity will soon join him in Lisbon. The Carne brothers are settled  and there was no fist fight between you and George. Or a harsh exchange of any kind though the same could be said for me. I did  swipe the chance to make him feel inadequate. Maybe the hope of peace isn't that far fetched." he joins me on the bed and i cozy up to him.

"Peace, I like the sound of that." he mumbled and I closed my eyes

knock, knock knock

We groaned and I lifted my head up so he could move and answer the door. He did so and came back a few minutes later.

"The Travail ran aground near a place called Quimper." he began coming and I sat up "There is an old convent turned into a prison. Hundreds of prisoners are there."

"Might he be there?" I wonder

"If he survived. An old friend of my father has contact in France." my shoulders sagged

"Smuggling contacts."

"There's a merchant in Roscoe a man called Clisson.  He's known in the town and would be willing to seek out information...for a price." I nodded knowing where this was heading

"You're going aren't you, to France."

"I think I must."


The next morning I watched from the cliff side as they heaved the boat into the water. He looks up at me and I hold my hand to my lips and blow a kiss as a tear rolls down my cheek.

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