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Olivia Rodrigo - traitor

The little rabbit rested on Gideon's side of the bed. He had blanked her this morning, ate breakfast and left the penthouse without a word. He was angry at her and it was causing panic to rising in her chest, pushing the air out of her lungs relentlessly.

Hence, Vivian brought her a cup of chamomile tea, to soothe her nerves and regulate her sleeping patterns. Though, last night she slept perfectly fine tucked under her husband's arms. She didn't awake at all.

Rory pressed on the rabbit's feet and Gideon's voice resonated in the room.

"That's a cute gift." Vivian smiled, refilling her cup with more tea.

Rory sat up, leaning against the headboard as she sipped on the fresh cup of tea.

"I never thought he was a romantic." She admitted.

"I think he just does it for you." Vivian said, sitting back on the armchair. "He's so very much in love with you."

The settled over a comfortable silence.

"Vivian," Rory swallowed, staring at her reflection in the tea. It wasn't the same girl with who was so sure of her future staring back. It was someone else completely different - no future, no plans, nothing. "I need a favour."

Vivian tilted her head in curiosity, "What is it?"

"Can you get me some contraceptive pills?"

Vivian pursed her lights, "Have you spoken to Mr Torres?"

"Yes, he's okay with it." She stammered but the lie was evident.

"Mrs Torres, I can't do that for you." She apologised, standing on her feet. "I'm sorry." She really did want to help the girl but whatever medication is prescribed to her, goes through Gideon first.

There were also cameras everywhere in this house, watching their every move. No couldn't afford to get on the wrong side of the man.

"Vivian please." Rory cried, following after the older woman, "I can't have a baby especially if my health is as bad as you say it is."

Vivian loaded the dirty dishes on the counter into the dishwasher. The girl was knelt beside her, grabbing onto her arm as she begged to be saved. She was close to having another episode, she noticed, helping her off the floor and placing her on the couch.

She urged Rory to calm down but she merely threw her head back and cried, hot tears pouring down her cheeks. She was helpless, so helpless and pitiful.

"What is going on?" Gideon's cold tone chilling the room.

He was followed into the room by Sebastian, who also observed the room with curiosity.

"Why is she crying?" He snarled, pointing a glare at the caretaker who was not doing her job affectively.

"I'm sorry," Vivian said, bowing her head. "She was just-"

"Don't lie to me!" He roared, an angry vein throbbing prominently on his forehead. He left in a foul mood this morning which had left to calm.

"She wanted me to provide her with contraceptive pills." She said quickly, down casting her eyes. God, Vivian felt so bad for the girl who only cried harder as those words left her mouth.

Gideon strode to her, rage in his steps as he picked Rory up roughly by the forearm.

"Sir, it is not a -"

"Shut the fuck up." He glared, "you're off the clock so go home."

Gideon dragged Rory to their bedroom, throwing her on to the mattress. Her body ricocheted off the bed and she crawled towards the headboard, tucking her knees under her arms.

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