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Taylor Swift - This Love

"Gideon Torres, Sebastian David, you're under arrest for activities relating to organised crime. Murder, racketeering, drug trafficking, prostitution and arms dealing."

The officer, a dark skinned woman, hair braided pass her shoulders in yarns of pastel blues. She donned a black pant suit that hugged her slender and sturdy figure.

Her identification hanging around her neck. She stepped forward, hands on her slender hips and black almond eyes staring at Gideon. They held each other's gaze - both threatening raising the tension in the room.

"You're also wanted by the US Government for arming terrorist groups." She said. "You're lucky they didn't send in their cavalry."

Gideon's soldiers clutched their guns but where prevented from firing by his raise hands.

Rory trembled; her stomach churning as she watched the armed officers piled into the venue. They invaded the stage, pushing her aside which earned the a threatening growl from her husband.

4 man swamped him and pulling his arms behind his back. While 2 headed for Sebastian.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

A small, petrified sound wheezed from her lips as those words entered her ear. It was really happening. But, why was she so scared? This was what he deserved for the months of pain he caused her.

Then, when Gideon calmly turned to face her and smiled reassuringly, her pulsed calmed - beating at a steady rate. She couldn't take her gaze away from him. He should've looked small and vulnerable among the armed office in black uniforms and their bullet proof vests with their guns strapped to their back.

Instead, he looked every bit as intimidating the first time she saw him. He towered over the others with his bulky size and with those rugged features, hard eyes and squared shoulders; he appeared as if he was running the operation.

But, the moment those eyes locked on her, they softened. Even now, he looked at her like she was his whole world. He didn't know what she had done. Would he look at her the same if he did?, she wondered.

"Everything will be alright." He promised. "It's just a misunderstanding."

Reluctantly, she nodded; her throat going dry. Only if he knew it wasn't. Rory bit back the tears and trotted after her husband while he was lead out of the hotel. Chest heaving and her heart dropping, she watched him slid into the backseat of the police car. The blue and red lights spinning and burning her eyes.

It was supposed to be a happy moment. Her captor, her abuser getting what he deserved. As of this moment she was free. Free to leave without consequences.

But instead, she stood shaking with fear and uncertainty; never able to tear her eyes off him. And, Gideon continued to focus on her through the windows of the car.

He tilted his head and flashed her his usual twisted grin. Along with the comfort that the grin gave her came the heartache too. The first tear fell from down her cheeks, followed by stream of waterfall and hiccuping sobs.

What had she done?

The cars pulled away from the curb followed by more escorts on motorcycles sounding their sirens.

And, Gideon disappeared from her reach.

With trembling limbs, Rory found herself taking small steps after the parade of cars while the hot tears fell uncontrollably.

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