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Mimi Webb - House On Fire

Life was breathed back into his lungs. He dropped his gun and reached for her in long strides. Wrapping her in his thick arms, where she was the safest. Gideon inhaled her soapy smell to calm himself. She was still here; Herrera hadn't got to her.

His pulse raced to the point it was the only sound he could hear. Fuck, she really scared him. He would've lost his mind if the enemy had gotten. Herrera was a sick fucker and he never wanted her anyway near him.

Gideon pulled back, hands reached to cup the back of her nape and smashed his lips against her. It was needy, filled with worry and protectiveness.

"Where were you?" He breathed against her lips, "Where the fuck were you?"

Rory licked her swollen lips and took a step back. She looked at him in confusion. She was here the whole time. She never left though, it wasn't like the guards would've let her leave anyways. And, of all people, he should be the one who knew this best. He ordered it.

Shrugging at his weird behaviour, she lifted her arms and showed him what had kept her entertained the last few hours. Rory held a furry ball in front of him.

A orange and black spotted cat with deep yellow eyes.

"I found him in the kitchen." She explained. "He got his paw stick in the jar. I hard to chase him around the garden to get to him."

He watched her with his mouth slightly gaped, absolutely lost for words. Stunned and he here was thinking, some crazy fucker had kidnapped her right under his nose.

She took his moment of surprise as an opportunity to glanced pass him and at the men kneeling in a line. Before she could ask, Gideon blocked her vision of them and ushered her back into the mansion.

Rory shrugged, knowing it was best to not ask him about his work. But, in the back of her mind she swallowed nervously at the knowledge of his intentions. They were lined up like they were being executed.

Pushing it out of her thoughts, she focused on her new friend cradled in her arms, swinging his tail happily.

"Can we keep him?" She asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

It was the first time he seen her this energetic about anything. She was beaming.

"Rory." Gideon sighed, eyeing the fur ball. The cat had a collar round his neck thus, he belonged to someone else. "I think he already has owners."

"I know," she pouted quietly, twirling the red collar on his neck. She didn't want to believe that he did. She wanted him to be hers.

"Let's return him and I'll get you one another day." He promised after a moment of observing her pouting.

Gideon brushed back strands of her hair behind her shoulders causing her to look up at him with those emerald eyes. They tug at his heart strings and he could feel his pulse singing.

"You promise?" She said, lighting up in anticipation.

"I promise."

He took the cat from her arms and a quiet whine of denial leaves her. She didn't want to let the cat go not after chasing him around the back garden to check his paw. He wasn't hurt thankful but he did frighten her with the ruckus he caused in the kitchen.

Thereafter, when he realised she wasn't a threat he became friendly letting her carry him and pet him.

Rory eyes darted between Gideon and the cat. She frowned and gave in. He had to go back to his family. She rubbed his head in a final farewell and he mewled, doing the same motion against her palm.

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