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James Arthur - Car's Outside

"Yeah let's go home."


Rory glanced down at the little girl, nodding, and said "Seriously, but we need to figure out how to open this door."

She rattled the handle of the French doors - their first obstacle was practically impossible to get over.

"They're the same as the one in my room." Cielo chirped, "it has a key here." she said pointing at the keyhole.

"I don't think they're the same." She swallowed. Cielo was 4 years old, what did she know?

"I'll get then I'll prove it." Her little brows pulled together with determined.

Before she could run off, Rory latched onto Cielo's tiny figure.

"We have to be quiet." She stressed, "so the bad men and women don't know what we're doing. If they do," she gulped, "we will be in trouble. Do you understand?"

The four year old nodded vigorously - she understood because she witnessed her mother's rage too.

Cielo calmly trudged out the room, making up an excuse to the guards about her playhouses and how she wanted to bring a doll to play with.

The moment the door closed behind her, Rory pulled removed the bedsheets, duvet cover and pillow cases. She began assembling a rope she saw several characters in movies make. It was a dumb but this was the only option she had.

As she tried the last sheets securely together, Cielo ran back into the room with a small key tightly fisted in her palm. Taking the key, she prepared herself for the disappointment when the doors didn't open.

However, she released a shudder breathe as the key fitted the lock like a piece of a puzzle. She turned her wrist and the door clicked open. Rory clasped a hand over her mouth as tears - joyous tears - blurred her vision. She grabbed Cielo, holding her tightly against her body as she held in a squeal.

They were getting out of here thanks to the little girl and the badly designed mansion.

Rory picked up the pace. Moving quickly as she piled on clothes on herself and Cielo. The weather was bad and they weren't provided with warm clothes.

She took her makeshift rope and observed the outside from the balcony. She had years of experience of jumping down from balconies on second storeys - this would be nothing. She observed the walls, the ivies hiding a ladder like structure that she could easily climb down.

"Cielo," she said, kneeling in front of the girl. "Promise me you're hold onto me tightly."

Cielo nodded, climbing onto Rory's back and fastening her little arms around Rory's shoulders.

"You have to hold onto me tightly." She repeated as she tied one end of the rope to the railings and the other end around them both.

"Okay," came the timid response.

Taking a deep breathe, she climbed over the railings; hands and feet reaching for the ladder like structure. She used it to climb down and if she slipped, her makeshift rope would keep them up - hopefully.

The closer to the ground they got, the quicker her heart raced. A little but more, she told herself as she stared up at the bottom of the bedroom balcony. 

A rush of adrenaline coursed through her body as her bare foot touched the damp ground. Rory unfastened the rope and she took Cielo's hands in her own.

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