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TXT - Anti-romantic

Vivian stepped into the penthouse, closing the door gently behind as she crept down the hallway. A few days had passed since the incident. After bolting out of there, she was then ordered to return to her penthouse immediately after to only find Rory laying on the floor.

Tear stained face, blood shoot eyes framed by dark circles and ghost white skin. She looked sickly.

She placed her bag onto the counter and sauntered to the master bedroom. Vivian knocked gently and it opened revealing Gideon with his tie undone around his neck. She gasped, lowering her eyes in obedience. He was usually gone by the time she had arrived.

Glancing into their bedroom, she saw Rory laying on her side, both of their clothes discarded on the floor. Gideon stepped aside, letting her in as he continued to her ready. Vivian gently rested her hand on Rory's shoulder, shaking her awake.

The girl jumped, clutching the toy rabbit tightly to her chest as she craned her head back.

"Morning, Mrs Torres." Vivian greeted, "How did you sleep?"

"I slept okay." She said groggily, sitting up.

She didn't remember waking up from a nightmare last night. Her body was encased in Gideon's own, relaxing into his scent and overprotective warmth. As much as she didn't like the way her body reacted to him, she was somewhat grateful that he shielded her from the terrifying monsters living in her nightmares.

Vivian excused herself, leaving the bedroom to prepare tea for Rory, giving Gideon the opportunity to perched on the bed beside her. His knuckles reached to brush her cheeks. His hand rested on her shoulder before sliding to the back of her head and tugging her forward towards his lips.

His kiss, as always, was roughy and possessive. He claimed her mouth, entangling with her tongue as they tasted each other.

"Today is our last day in Singapore." He explained, "You can do what you want today, okay?"

She nodded and with a quick peck to the lips he was gone.

Her shoulders relaxed to her surprised, she wasn't aware how tensed and stiff she was. Rory laid back down, hugging the bunny to her chest feeling her eyelids going heavy.

Last night, Gideon had staked his claim on her body again - taking her in positions where he made her gaze into his eyes. He wasn't gentle either, though, he never really was to begin with.

"Mrs Torres." Vivian whispered, "Let's get you showered and dressed."

She was ushered into the bathroom, Vivian kicking close the door with the back of her foot. From her pocket she pulled out a foil packet, handing her a pill and bottle of water.

Since that day, Vivian had been ridden with guilt and regret - she wanted to help the girl thus, had secretly been giving her morning after pills in secrecy. It was risky but she couldn't watch the girl writhed anymore. Nothing was helping her.

Rory thanked her, popping the pill in her mouth and prayed it was enough.

"Is there anything you want to do today?" Vivian, from the kitchen, asked.

With a blanket forming her cocoon, Rory shook her head. She was exhausted - mentally and physically, she didn't feel like going sight seeing. Truthfully, she couldn't wait to go back to the Medellín estate where she go sit the with the dogs, ride the ATVs to the creek and play with Cielo.

Despite having Vivian's company, she felt so alone and undeniably she was. She had no one not even her own mother though it wasn't her fault. The illness was eating away at her day by day to the point she could hardly function.

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