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Taylor Swift - Getaway Car

Gideon perched on his massive leather chair, thick dark brows pulled forward in concentration.

Rory stepped inside the office, garnering his attention. He was alone which, again, had her question Sebastian's whereabouts. He was his right hand man, his supporter so where was he?

A twisted grin marked his face and he tilted his head sideways while she slowly approached him or, rather the cat sitting at his feet. Azul became attached to him in her absences, always following him when she needed comfort. She certainly preferred Gideon over her.

She neared his desk and dropped to the floor, lifting Azul into her arms. She purred, nuzzling the top of her head against Rory's chest.

"Are you busy?" She timidly asked.

When she pivoted to eye his screen, her brows knotted together when she saw the he was shopping for baby furniture. The complete opposite of what she expected.

A new weapons design or emailing a client from abroad but no he was buying a white baby crib.

He spun in his chair, his big and opened lap looking very inviting. She licked her lips, the hormones raging again.

Without a hesitation, Rory climbed him, sinking her bottom into his lap. She stroked Azul's fur and she purred happily. Gideon curled his arms around her, his warmth enveloping her in a tight hug.

He continued shopping adding strollers and bags into his basket. Frowning, Rory reached for his mouse, stopping him.

"Isn't it to early to do that?" She asked, gazing at him through her lashes. "We don't even know the sex yet."

"It's a girl." He stressed; not that he knew, he just wanted a girl.

"I don't know." Rory shrugged, her fingers continued to run through Azul's fur. This was her chance. "He seems to like soursops like his dad."

Gideon grinned when she called her dad. His dark eyes shone brightly and filled with excitement. There was a future for them and he couldn't wait. He bent his head, leaning down to capture her lips. He deepened the kiss, his chest vibrating with need.

Rory hands left Azul's fur and she entwined them around his neck, tugging him impossibly close. Her neck turned red against her pale skin from the lack of air flowing into her lungs.

When it was getting to hard to breath, she pulled back, feeling her lips swollen and her pussy pulsing with need.

"I want soursops." She gasped, "Can you peel them like you always do for me, please?"

She battered her eyelashes, fingers twirling a strand of her hair. He flashed her a lopsided grin that hinted a promise of mischief later. Without a word nor a protest, her husband hoisted her off his lap and back down on his leather chair. He left his office, leaving her with her cat and access to all of his secrets.

Exactly what she wanted.

Resting her palm against her rampant heartbeat, Rory clearly listen to the sounds of Gideon's fading footsteps. Getting him to leave was easier than she thought. Yet, she couldn't fight the guilt rising painfully in her chest.

She was betraying him.

Once the rain was the only sound she could hear, she fished out the USB drive from her pocket and plugged into the computer's port. Azul meowed in her lap, looking up at her with her big yellow eyes.

"It's for justice." She murmured to the cat because it felt like those eyes held judgement. This cat was loyal to Gideon, no doubt.

Rory scrolled through his files - client list, messages and emails, photos and projects. She downloaded and make copies of what she could, stocking the drive with - hopefully - evidence of all his crimes. Evidence that will put him in jail.

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