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Demi Lovato - Cool For the Summer

Snuggled comfortably on Gideon's lap, Rory napped peacefully while he traced the curve of her features

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Snuggled comfortably on Gideon's lap, Rory napped peacefully while he traced the curve of her features. Her skin sent jolts of electricity through his fingertips and where he touched her his heart squeezed.

Unable to control his urges, he planted a soft kiss to her lips, causing her to stir awake. Her emerald eyes blinked up at him and she sighed, resting her cheek on his shoulders. She was a cocoon of warmth and he basked in it.

He murmured sweet nothings against her hair. She hummed in response and threw her arms around his neck. Hugging him tightly; the action causing his heart to swell. Against him, he felt her heart bump wildly; the type of rhythm that was giddy and shy, one that no longer beat out of fear of him. It gave him hope that she felt something too.

"We'll leave for Medellín once the weather clears up." He told her. The rain hadn't stopped and he wasn't going to risk flying in the storm.

They have been away from home for over two weeks. It was time to return and hopefully with a new outlook on their relationship.

"I miss everyone." She said softly. "I'm excited to go home."


Gideon fought a smile from dancing on his lips as she uttered that sweet word. Home. Medellín had finally became her home and not some hell hole she was confined to. His intentions were never meant for it to be her prison.

For Gideon, home was wherever she was.

"I love you." He caught himself letting the declaration slip again.

Rory stiffened in his arms but, she managed to quickly relax. She didn't know if she loved him like he loved her. All she knew at that moment was that her pulse quickens, her body became flustered and skin warm when he was near. And, when she looked at him she found herself marvelling at his beauty.

Tall and muscular with an intimidating demeanour. Something that used to chill her to the bone, he still very much scared her but not as much as before despite all that he done. She had every reason to be afraid yet she wasn't - not anymore.

Rory wondered if it was because she was crazy or that something was seriously wrong with her. Or, perhaps both.

She could have killed him and ended it all. Anyone in her position would have pulled that trigger and this knowledge twisted her stomach unpleasantly. Maybe it wasn't because she had a few screws loose, she was just weak and pathetic; a disgrace.

Gideon shifted under her and she looked up puzzlingly.

"I'm sorry, I thought you went back to sleep." He murmured and settled back down, "You were so quiet."

"I'm not sleepy anymore." She yawned.

After her screaming revelation, her body succumbed to the exhaustion that she harboured for months. She slept all day yesterday and most of today. Gideon never left her side the entire time. Rory was certain she had startled him a little by turning the gun on herself.

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