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Thuy - All Night Long

"The shipment made it to German territory." One of his men, the courier, informed him. Gideon, sensing the hesitancy in his voice, gritted his teeth. "But, it never reached its final destination. Someone destroyed it."

Millions worth of guns, bombs and armoury gone. Set a flame so nothing that survived could ever be used.

"Emir Yalimaz?" Sebastian muttered, rubbing his face in annoyance. The head of his comrades wasn't enough to scare him off, clearly.

"The Germans think it could be." The courier stated, "They started a search for him but he has yet to be found."

Just like that Gideon's phone rang - Kaiser Reinhardt - flashed on the screen. He was the German Don, younger than him and Tobias and far more twisted.

Gideon ended the call with his courier and pressed answer on his phone.

"Kaiser." He greeted in a stoic tone.

"My fucking shipment, Gideon!" He roared. "Millions gone to waste."

"I don't have time for your whining." Gideon muttered, "Your purchase made it to Germany and in the hands of your men. It was your responsibility."

Kaiser was silent onto the other end of the phone, contemplating, "Can't you see," he began in a blank tone, "he's not targeting me nor Tobias."

Jaw clenched, Gideon resisted the urge to swipe the content off his desk and smash the ancient wood into pieces. Emir Yalimaz was targeting him, it was obvious. At first he didn't want to believe since Emir's reasons were petty - he wanted to be part of Gideon's circle of clients but was rejected. That can't be the only reason. It was something deeper especially if he was going to lengths to mess with his business - the most important to him.

And, he wasn't going to wait to find out nor wait for Emir to attack his other shipments. It was bad for business.

"Tobias agreed to help me find him." Kaiser continued, "He's still upset about the attack on his fortress."

"Why is he even on your territory in the place first?" Gideon questioned.

"He didn't pose a threat at the time." Kaiser grumbled, "I had people keep a close eye on him but he's too good a hiding and blending in it. So, he's been difficult to track." He paused, no longer wanting to explain his reasons to Gideon. "Are you going to help or not?"

"Fine," Gideon huffed, gripping into the edge of his table, "I'll assist." As much as he didn't want to go on a chase in Germany, after a man who was notoriously good at going off the grid, it was better to end it now before his other shipments get destroyed.

Ending the call, he angrily threw the phone onto the desk, cracking the screen.

"Prepare to leave for Germany." He ordered, rubbing his face.

His mind rushed to his wife, Rory, he can't leave her in Medellín. Without him, she was unable to sleep at night, plagued by nightmares that won't leave her alone unless he was there. The thought brought a smile to his face. Her mind and body knew he was capable of protecting her. She had no nightmares when she was wrapped in his embrace and slept soundly.

Gideon made up his mind, she was coming with him.

"Where is Rory?" He asked Sebastian.

"Watching TV with Cielo." He replied, "Last time I've seen her anyways."

Sebastian has kept his mouth shut about Rory and Alvaro's antics. Even after his warning at the pool, the boy still hang around her which made him wonder if he had a death wish.

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