Episode 22: Passion Cream Ice Cream

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“Damien! Please”


“Baby…Please” I said running my hands down his abs.


“Honey, please” I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. He looked at me and his eyes softened. Then they turned hard again.

“No, aren’t you ashamed of begging for it?” Ash asked.

“Shut the fuck up. I have to” I said and the guys laughed.

“Damien please” I said.

“No” I began to fake cry and I stepped out of his room. Fake tears were rolling off my face, so when Clara came up to me and asked me what was wrong, I decided to take it further.

“Damien won’t give it to me” I said pointing to the door. Clara face turned angry and she barged in the door.

“Are you seriously denying your girlfriend and my future sister in law, sex?!” She screamed and the guys just started rolling with laughter. Damien turned a bright pink. He looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows; I shook my head as in no, he faked pained and I stuck my tongued out at him.

“W-what? She want’s ice cream”” Damien told his sister.

“Then you better give it to her!” Clara exclaimed. She stormed out of the room with bright red cheeks.

“Come, I’m getting you some ice cream” She said and grabbed my hand.

“ANNA! DON’T YOU DARE GO” Damien shouted and Clara began to run. I ran after her. We jumped in her car and began to drive, I saw Damien at the door and punching it. Boy, did he look angry.

We arrived to Banana King and I quickly rushed in. I bought a tripled scooped Passion cream ice cream. It was freezing. When my tongue met the cool, flavorful ice cream, it felt tingly.

“Um” I moaned licking it again. Clara bought mint chocolate chip and we drove back to her house. On our drive there she dropped her ice cream.

“Fuck” She said bending over to reach it. I laughed but then I saw the car coming.

“CLARA!” I yelled she quickly sat up and moved the car out of the way. I was scared to the core now. We arrived to the house and I clung to the seat belt for dear life. I was scared shitless.

“Anna, the car stopped, we can get out now” I was shaking with fear. I put my hand on the handle and opened the door. I stood out and began to walk. I saw that the ice cream was still in my hands so I began to lick it hoping it would calm me down. We opened the door and head to the kitchen. I sat around the island and licked my ice cream, still in shock.

I got up to leave, but I slammed into, a wall. The wall reached his arms forward and grabbed me, pressing me tight to his chest. Wait, his, I guess it’s a human.

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