Episode 2: Raisin Cookies

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“AH!” Joseph screamed holding his seat belt tightly.

“What?” I asked whilst smirking.

“You’re going over the speed limit by 30”

“45 was too slow” The truth was I wanted to get this over with so my mother wouldn’t hit me more than necessary. I began to see the mansions.

“Give me the address” I said.

“180 Ninja Place” he said and I drove. We were quickly in front of a mansion that had every light on. My stomach growled.

“Want to come in?” Joseph asked.

“You guys have food?” What type of question was that? He nodded and I stepped out leaving my stuff in the car. Joseph came out and we walked up to the door and Joseph rang the doorbell. It was opened in a couple of seconds.

“JOSEPH!” The blond haired lady said and hugged Joseph.

“Aunt Clare” He said and hugged her back.

“Is this your mate?” She asked after pulling out of the hug and noticing me. Mate as in friend?

“She’s a friend. Anna this is my Aunt, Claire, Auntie, this is my friend Anna”

“Hey” I said. Clare smiled and gave me a hug.

“Where’s Damien?” Joseph asked.

“Weight room with the boys” She answered.

“Come on Anna” He said and I followed him into the huge mansion. There were chandeliers and everything was either white or gold. We went up the marble, carpeted, stairs and into the last room on the right.

“EH!” Joseph yelled stepping in. Then someone tackled him to the floor.

“DOG PILE!” Someone yelled and a ton of guys just jumped on him. It looked fun so I jumped in.

“We’re trying to get up here” I laughed and got up. Everyone went back to what they were doing, but this time the attention was on me.

“Guys, this is Anna my FRIEND, Anna this is Mike, Ash, Trey, Josh and John, and Damien” I looked at each of them whilst Joseph point. Josh and John were twins, but there were some features that made them different. Then my eyes landed on Damien. He looked like he was tall, black hair and light green eyes. He was muscular, heck he is muscular. And he wasn’t wearing a shirt.

“Hey” The others said.

“What’s crake lacken?” I said and they began to laugh.

“Who uses that?” Josh asked, still laughing.

“Apparently I do” I said and they laughed harder.

“So, lifting weights huh?” They nodded, still smiling. I went over to some type of machine. You use your legs to raise weights up. I pushed with all my strength and nothing. The guys burst out in laughter once more.

“Hey! I have amazing leg strength” I defended myself.

“You want a cookie?” He said sarcastically.

“Actually I do” I said and Damien got up. He came back a few minutes later with a raisin cookie. The guys laughed. He walked over to me giving me the cookie. I smiled sweetly.

“I’m allergic to raisins” I said and the guys rolled on the floor when Damien cheeks lit a bright crimson. He turned around but I held him back.

“But the effects aren’t that major” I said not wanting to make him feel embarrassed. I grabbed the cookie and took a bite. So yeah, the effects weren’t major, they were higher than that.

“You don’t have to eat it” He finally spoke, sending shivers down my spine.

“No, plus I am pretty hungry” I said finishing the cookie. I was already feeling the effects. What happened when I ate raisins? Oh nothing, just throwing up, hallucinations, hard to breathe, and light headed.

“So, you’ll be okay?” I nodded afraid of talking.

“DINNER IS READY!” Claire called out. Everyone got up but I didn’t feel like standing up.

“Anna, come on” Joseph said, I smiled weakly. I got up feeling light headed. I grabbed something for support.

Everyone had left. Are they serious? They don’t even know me. What if I was a thief?  I made it out the door stumbling out. My chest began to tighten and I felt it harder to breathe. I began to wonder if I could make it home.

“Ye-HOLY FUCKING SHIT! ANNE” Someone grabbed me and tried to hold me up. I looked up to see Joseph.

“Are you okay?” He asked. Is he fucking serious?

“Go get Damien” He shouted to someone.

“Do you want him to kill us?”

“GO GET HIM!” Joseph shouted. About a few minutes later I heard louder steps. I turned my head and saw Damien coming. When he was about a step away my head lowered and I threw up in his sneakers.

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