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Come miss y/n!..he said as y/n went and sit in front of him he looked at her! Hm! Why you want this job? He asked her some questions as y/n answer them with confidence!
(It's gonna be a lie if she say she didn't got nervous everytime he look at her or ask her a question)

Great!! It was nice meeting you! He said as he got up and went out of his cabin as one of the worker came inside!
Miss y/n this way!! Y/n got up and went out as she bow to him! You will get the message if you are selected or not! Till then you can go back! He said with a smile as y/n nod bid him a thanku and went from there!

*Jungkook's Pov*
I went from there as i have a meeting after some time..but what's wrong with me? Why am i thinking about miss y/n? It will be a lie if i say she isn't beautiful! But why tf I'm thinking about her this much!!
He just shrugged off all the thoughts and went from there...

*Meanwhile y/n's pov*
*Sigh*.....i did it...oh god i was so nervous to be honest...but now I'm a little afraid..what if I'm not able to pass it i mean it's not only me who came for interview today..there are many ppls
She was in her thoughts as she step in the lift..
Kim y/n!? She hear her name as she looked up...
O-oh..kim taehyung??.. they both smile as she thank him again for the help!

It's no problem! Btw how was your interview? He asked as y/n nodded..
It went well but I'm just a little nervous...i mean they told me to wait until i got any message regarding the job so..she said playing with her fingers while looking down as he chuckled...
It's ok... let's go! Let's brighten your mood.. he said as y/n just look him
Lift stop as they both went out and start walking towards the coffee shop which is near the building...

What you do? She suddenly ask as he stop working and look at her..
Do? What??
I mean in this office...who are you? She ask briefly...
Ahh that I'm director of the new ongoing project... he said while paying for the coffee as y/n stopped him
I can pay by Myself...she said as he just laugh
I know..but I'm paying for my new friend you know! He said and sit down on the front as y/n just smile

They both chit chat with each other.. regarding work and more...
***After some time***
Ok y/n... I'll see you tomorrow i need to go now...he said getting up as y/n nod and got up
They both went outside of the shop and bid each other bye...
And after the tiring day y/n finally got a new friend!!

To be continue.......

Yohoiii.... I'm sorry for the late update! And it's a short chapter so sorry for that to (bare with me-🥲🤌)

Comment your thoughts guys!...i want to know if you like it or not!!
And don't forget to like too...

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