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After some time Taehyung came out of the office and went straight without giving me a glance as I looked at him but ignored because he just had a fight with his brother. I mean step brother so let's just give me some space.

Miss y/n! I heard his voice as I got out of my thoughts and looked at him y-yes Mr. Jeon! I got up from my seat
We have to go to look for the location? Did you forget? He asked as i mentally slapped myself.

I-i'm really sorry mr. Jeon! I bowed and when I looked at him, he was smiling. Wait, yes he was actually smiling, he looked so cute - no! I mean no! Miss y/n! Miss y/n!!

A-ah yes yes! Let's go then mr. Jeon!I said as he nodded and with my iPad I walked behind him. I need to stay focused what the actual heck I was thinking!

*At the location*
It's been one hour since we have been discussing everything. I'm hungry After some time we all got up and bid our goodbyes as we walked towards our car.

I'll drive Miss y/n! He said as I just nodded.
The ride is too boring and I'm hungry ahh... Do you wanna hear some songs? Are you bored? He asked, taking a glance towards me.
He never was the type who plays songs while driving, what is with him?

N-no it's ok- and before I could say something my stomach grumbled as I looked down in embarrassment wow, what a day y/n! You're hungry, let's eat something first! He said as I just nodded my head as yes with an awkward smile.

*At restaurant*
He parked the car as I stepped out looking towards this restaurant. Let's go miss y/n! He smiled a bit as I said a little yes and went with him.

The staff greeted us as we made ourselves comfortable on the couch, order whatever you want, miss y/n! He said as I looked at the menu. Y-yeah!

After some time I excused myself because I had to use the washroom.
After doing my business I washed my hands and went out, when I saw a man looking towards me. He seems around 40-45 years old,

He was also looking at me when I was sitting there. I just ignored him and started walking when I saw him coming towards me as I walked faster but before I could go there he held my hand.

W-what are you doing!?? I tried to pull my hand back but I couldn't.

*Jungkook's POV*
It's been twenty minutes since miss y/n went to the washroom but still she hasn't come yet, it makes me worried now.
Should I check or not!? Maybe I should, getting up from my seat as I went towards the washroom.

His eyes widened as he clenched his jaw when he saw any other man touching what's his! As he ran towards them and punched him in the face causing the man to fall on the ground as all the staff came there.

How dare you!? He yelled but before he could punch him one more time y/n held his hand let's go please! She said as he calmed down, after paying the bill they both sat in the car.

Miss y/n, here take this perfume it's your favorite one. Use this, how dare he touch you! He yelled as he gave the perfume to y/n.

H-how do you know? She asked as he looked at her how do you know I like this perfume?? And why do you want me to use this? She asked as she looked at him.

Because I don't like how he touched you! And I don't like his scent around you even a bit!

Just use it! He said looking straight, focusing on the road. But how do you know I like this perfume only? She asked again!
You use this most of the time, so I asked one of the employees to tell me which perfume is this because I wanted to give you something for y-you hard work! He was still looking at the road.

As y/n thought a little but shrugged it off.

*At office*
After coming after seeing the location I was working on some files which had to be given to mr. Jeon as soon as possible. I guess that's all, I should let him check first! I thought to myself as I got up and knocked on his cabin's door!

Hearing a voice as I went inside, oh nice to meet you again miss y/n! I looked towards the couch as I saw Miss Alice. She was our business partner once for a project but now the project is already over. Why is she here?

I smiled at her, nice to meet you! Saying that I went straight towards mr. Jeon
Mr. Jeon they are some of the-
We're busy discussing something, miss y/n! Can you please give me a min? She asked as I looked at her and nodded my head as yes with a little smile.

I was standing there as i looked at her being too flirty with him as always like take your hands back woman! Or I'm gonna punch you. Feeling the sudden anger inside me as I saw her this close with him and he isn't minding at all.

I'll come later then! Saying that as I went out and sat on my chair, why was she being so close with him? She came here to discuss something. Is it what she has to discuss?

Wait..why do I care? It's not my business. I'm not jealous, am i? No no no? Why would I be! Omg y/n you should keep yourself busy. You have been thinking a lot of useless stuff these days!

Sighing as I sit straight, focus y/n, focus!

Tell me your thoughts about the story and sorry for the late update! 🥲

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